(no subject)

Aug 13, 2006 13:03

Title-Day Tripper

I own nothing except my iPod and any of the characters I make up along the way.

Warning- HEAVY drug use (most of the story’s about getting high), sex, language, mild violence.

Summary- AU set in 1966-1969. San Francisco, the Mecca for the drug and rock movement. 17 year old Bam Margera has run away from home to find himself, but ends up finding more than he bargained for when he meets a free-spirited hippie named Ville Valo.

Rated NC-17




“So this place we’re going, is it where your friends live?” Bam asked as they lazily walked down the street.

“You ask alotta questions do you know that?” Ville asked not trying to sound rude.

“Oh um I’m sorry,” Bam mumbled and fell into silence.

Ville sighed, feeling sorry for the teen, he knew it was awkward to come to a city where you don’t know anyone while trying to find yourself along the way.

“This is it,” Ville said as they stopped outside of a clothing store.

“A clothing store?” Bam said in slight shock, this wasn’t what he was expecting at all.

“Oh dear Bam, you need to learn how to see with eyes unclouded,” Ville said as he opened the door and led the man inside. “Never judge a book by its cover.”

“Ville my darling,” a young woman said happily as she passed through a beaded curtain into the main shop. Bam looked her over quickly, she had long black hair that went down to the middle of her back. She wore a faded pink tank top and a long white skirt that had a few small tears in it and stopped just above her ankles. She was one of the most beautiful things he had ever seen.

“My dear Mary Jane,” Ville said as he enveloped the woman in a delicate hug. Bam felt his stomach tighten as he watched the exchange between the two.

“Who’s this?” Mary Jane asked with a smile as she spotted Bam.

“Oh, Mary Jane this is Bam, Bam this is the famous Mary Jane,” Ville said as he went and stood back at Bam’s side.

“It’s nice to meet you Bam, I haven’t seen your face before are you new in town?” she asked.

Bam nodded “I got in this morning.”

“Do you have any place to stay, we have a few spare bedrooms upstairs if you want to crash here,” she offered.

The teen was about to tell her that he already had a place to stay but Ville beat him to it. “No he’s good, he’s going to stay with me,” the man said quickly.

“Ville you’re such a gentleman,” Mary Jane said.

“I try,” Ville said with a mischievous grin.

“Well is there anything I can help you with?”

“Actually, Bammie here is in need of your special, do you have any?”

Bam wasn’t sure what they were talking about as Mary Jane grabbed his hand and led him through the beaded curtain into the back room.

“Where are we going?” Bam asked nervously as she led him up a flight of stairs. She stopped and turned to him, placing her index finger on his lips to silence him.

“A place where there are no questions, only you, truth, and love,” she whispered.

The teen nodded and she turned back around and opened the door at the top of the stairs. Bam was pulled into the rather large room, or maybe it only looked large because of the mirrors on two of the walls. Looking around the room, he noticed that there were three couches and countless chairs littered around the room and a bong sitting on one of the coffee tables.

“Have you ever taken LSD before?” Mary asked.

“No,” Bam said feeling more and more nervous by the second.

Mary seemed to notice his uneasiness and smiled “Alright, what about pot?”

“No,” Bam said for a second time.

“Oh, Ville’s brought me a virgin how wonderful,” Mary said clapping her hands in excitement.

“Well I…”

“Don’t worry Bam you don’t have to do this if you don’t want to, no one will think less of you if you don’t want to,” Mary said her face serious, she wanted him to be sure he knew what he wanted, experiencing the truth wasn’t something to be regretted.

Bam took a deep breath, he had come out here to find himself and what better way than to try new things. One time wouldn’t hurt anything. “I wanna try some,” he said at last still feeling awkward.

Mary smiled and nodded as she sat down and expertly rolled him a joint. “Alright now I want you to breath in slowly and then exhale the same way,” she said as she handed him the lighted joint.

“Kinda like a cigarette?” Bam asked.

“Sort of,” she said “Here ya go.”

Bam took the joint and did as he was told inhaling slowly, letting the smoke fill his lungs which made him cough some, before exhaling the same way.

“Good,” she said as she took the joint from him and took a hit before handing it back to Bam.

They did this for awhile, as Bam got used to the feeling of smoke in his lungs. “Wait, wait we’re doing this wrong,” Mary said as she got to her feet and made her way across the room with a bit of difficulty.

“There’s a wrong way to get high?” Bam asked causing Mary to burst out laughing.

“Yes, and we’re doing it wrong,” she said through her laughter.

Bam watched as she pulled out a record and walked over to the record player. “Mary?” he asked as he stared up at the ceiling in wonder.

“Hmm?” she asked as she put the needle on the record and Ramble On by Led Zeppelin  came on.

“Is the ceiling supposed to be changing colours?” Bam asked.

Mary began to laugh again as she collapsed on the couch next to him. “Ya know they say you can see your whole future if you listen to this song high,” she said.

“Really?” Bam asked as he raised his hand to try and touch the ceiling that was now lowering and then going back into place.

“Yea,” Mary said as she took another hit. It was quiet for a moment and Bam lowered his head, boring of the ceiling and becoming more concerned with getting something to eat.

The music began to swell and envelope him, claiming his body for its own. Every beat of his heart turned into music and soared through the air like a butterfly. It was the most exhilarating experience he’d ever felt.

Then he saw it, a barrage of images flashed before his eyes. He saw San Francisco, Jess, his parents, a bucket of paint, Mary Jane, a coffin, the year 1969, but the thing he saw most clearly was Ville.

He gasped as the images passed just as quickly as they came and he realized that the song had changed and Mary was looking at him with a small grin on her face. “And what does your future hold for you Bam?”

“I’m not sure,” he replied.

Hey all please comment and I'll post the next chapter
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