
Mar 07, 2006 17:44

"Waiting" Chapter 4
Author: Me, hehe
Rated: PG-13
Summary: Ville has to go to Finland for six months to write and record a new HIM record. He's set to leave, but doesnt want to because he loves Bam, will he ever find out how Bam feels?
Word Count:1472
Notes: Okay, this should have been up forever ago, but I had that crappy writers block. And then a plot bunny started attacking my ankle...

Previous chapters:
Chap 1= http://community.livejournal.com/__vam/1436199.html
Chap 2= http://community.livejournal.com/__vam/1444390.html
Chap 3= http://community.livejournal.com/__vam/1448846.html

"Waiting"- Chapter 4

It was 4 AM by the time Bam got home. Ville was finally sleeping, but was tossing and turning. Bam, being as drunk as he was, couldn’t even make it up the stairs; he passed out on the couch downstairs.

The next morning, Bam was awoken abruptly by cold water being poured on his head.

“Fucktard, wake up! Ape’s on the phone, and wants to talk to you.” Dunn said.


Dunn threw the phone at him, “Your mom is on the phone.” He said slowly.

“Oh… OHHHHH!” Bam said, finally getting it.


“Good…afternoon Bam.”

“Hey Ape.”

“Did you talk to Ville?”

“Oh fuck! That’s what I forgot to do!”

“You’re kidding me right Bam?”

“No. The guys ended up dragging me out to some bar last night, and didn’t get home till late.”

“You better talk to him soon or he’ll think something’s wrong.”

“Yes Ape, I’ll go do that now.”

“Good luck.”

“I’ll need it.”

Bam hung up the phone, and raced up the stairs as fast as he could with a hangover. He got to Ville’s door and started pounding on it.


Ville woke up sleepy to someone banging his door down and screaming his name.

“Come in already.”

His door opened, and Bam walked through it, wearing the same exact clothes he wore the day before.

“So much for promises, eh. I thought you were dead. Somewhere on the side of the road, dead.” Said Ville.

“I’m sorry Willa, but it wasn’t my fault. Dico and Raab dragged me out as soon as I got home, saying I’d been looking grim and needed a good time.”

Ville then noticed a hickey on Bam’s neck.

“A real good time you must’ve had. There’s a hickey on your neck.”

Bam clasped his neck with his hand.

“I swear I have no clue how I got that, I must’ve been really plastered.”

“Must’ve to forget a promise.”

“I said I was sorry.”

“Well sometimes Bam, sorry isn’t good enough.”

“Ville, please don’t be like this. We’re going to Finland tomorrow, I don’t want there to be tension between us.”

“I don’t either, but you brought it upon yourself. You were the one who forgot about me, remember?”

“What can I do to make it up to you?”

Ville’s stomach growled loudly, so audibly that Bam could hear it across the room.

“What the fuck was that?” Bam asked.

“My stomach, I’m hungry, I didn’t eat yesterday because I was waiting for you. I know what can help you make it up to me.”

“What is it? Anything.”

“Make me breakfast in bed.”

“Are you fucking serious? It’s almost 3 in the afternoon!”

“You said anything Bammie.”

“I guess I did, didn’t I?” Bam chuckled.

“Yeah you did. Now I’ll have pancakes, sausage, and fruit. With a glass of orange juice, a mug of coffee, and a pack of fags.”

Bam looked dumbstruck.

“Hurry up now Bammie, and after breakfast we’ll talk about what we were supposed to yesterday.”

Bam left the room, and ran downstairs. He grabbed the phone and called the only person he knew that could help him in a situation like this.

“Hey Ape.” Bam said into the receiver.

“Hi dear, how did things go with Ville?”

“Not good, he’s pissed and wants me to make him breakfast.”

“I’ll be right over.” Ape said before hanging up.

- - -

Meanwhile, Ville was sitting in his bed flipping through the channels on the television.

“Damn American television, nothing to watch.” He said to himself.

He surfed the stations until he found SpongeBob SquarePants, he watched a few seconds of it then turned it again. He remembered how he and Jonna used to watch it together when he wasn’t touring. He didn’t want to even think of Jonna, not when he was with Bam.

Six months prior, Ville and Jonna had a fight, not the normal, “I hate you…but I love you, now let’s go have make-up sex” type of fight, this fight tore their relationship to shreds and ended the engagement, for good. Jonna was tired of never seeing Ville, when she did see him, he was with Bam, and she was ignored. She was tired of being the third wheel in the relationship, called it quits, and got the ‘V’ lasered off from her ring finger. No body but the two of them knew that Bam had to do with the break-up, not even Bam himself. They told everyone that all the traveling that Ville did put too much stress on the relationship.

Like with the ‘S’ he used to have tattooed around his nipple for an ex, he got the ‘J’ covered up with yet another heartagram.

- - -

There was a knock on the front door, and Bam ran to get it. He opened the door, and there stood April Margera.

“You’re going to have to help me unload the car.” She said.

“Unload the car?” Bam asked.

“All you have in the fridge is beer and cigarettes, don’t even try to deny it. I brought supplies.”

Bam followed his mother out to her PT Cruiser. She opened up the backseat, and there sat a dozen bags, they both took some, and headed back to the house.

“So what does Ville want for breakfast?” April asked.

“Pancakes, sausage, fruit, orange juice, coffee, and a pack of cigarettes.”

“Sounds like he’s hungry.”

“He hasn’t eaten in two days.”


“Because of me. He sat up waiting for me to get back from lunch that he didn’t even move from his bed.”

“You’re lucky Bam.”

“How in the hell am I lucky?”

“I made pancakes for myself and your father this morning, and saved the extra batter.”

“Please tell me you brought it with you.”

“I did, it’s in one of these bags.”

They reached the house, and went into the kitchen. Ape set down the bags on the counter and headed towards the stairs.

“And where are you going?” Asked Bam.

“I’m going to talk to Ville while you unload the bags.”

She climbed the stairs, and found Ville’s room quite easily. She knocked on the door and waited for Ville’s response.

“Bam, if that’s you, you better have food. I’m fucking starving.”

“No Ville, its April.”

“Oh April, come on in.”

She opened the door and found the Finn on the bed sitting against the headboard, flipping through channels on the TV.

“Hi dear, how are you?” She asked

“Hungry, but otherwise well.”

“That’s good.”

She saw Ville’s laundry all over the floor, and her eye twitched.

“You okay April? You just twitched.” Ville asked.

“Yeah, I’m fine.” She walked around the room picking up his laundry.

“April, what are you doing?”

“Just picking up a little. Want me to do a load of laundry for you, so your clothes will be clean when you head back to Finland?”

“Sure Ape, if you don’t mind.”

“Of course I don’t, you’re like another son to me.” She finished collecting Ville’s clothes.

“And you’re like a second mother to me, thanks so much April.”

“No trouble, I’ll tell that dumbass son of mine to hurry up with the food.” She said leaving, Ville’s clothes a big pile in her arms.

She left and went back downstairs, and found Dunn and Raab laughing at Bam, who was cursing because he cut his finger yet again. He was trying to cut up cantaloupe, and ended up only cutting himself.

Bam saw her walk through the kitchen and said, “Oh thank God.” But then frowned when she kept walking.

Bam followed her and was surprised when he ended up in the laundry room. April set the clothes down on the table and went around the room looking for laundry detergent.

“Ape, what are you looking for?” Bam asked.

“Laundry detergent.”


“I’m doing a load of Ville’s laundry.”

“Well I don’t think we have any detergent.”

“Are you serious? Do you boys not wash your clothes?”

“Not really.”

April sighed and left the room. She walked into the kitchen and found Dunn rummaging through the now full fridge.

“Ryan, just the person I’m looking for!” Said April.

“Oh hey Ape, what’s up?” He said.

“Is there any laundry detergent in this house, or is Bam really stupid?”

“I think I used the last of it yesterday, why?”

“I was doing a load of Ville’s laundry, and couldn’t find any. Do you think you could run out and get some?” She asked.

“Sure Ape, no problem, I’ll be back in a little bit.” He replied.

Dunn left the kitchen, got in his car, and went to the store.

“Do you think you could help me make breakfast now?” Bam asked.

“Sure honey, get the pancake batter out of the fridge, and the sausage out of the freezer.”


Final notes: Okay, Ive got through 6 done, just have to type them. 5 will be up tommorrow, around this time, 6, the next day. See what a weekend at my dad's who doesnt have cable can do to me?
I have ideas for future chapters, but like hearing other people's ideas, so feel free to contact me, if you have any ideas.
AIM: JadeHigurashi
Email: boons914@yahoo.com

Also, someone asked for the Kerrang! Podcast that Ville was in, I have it uploaded! So feel free to take it. Sorry it's only on Mega Upload, but You Send It doesnt like me at all.


Till tomorrow lovlies,
Jordan ♥♥♥
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