
Feb 25, 2006 19:13

Back by popular demand... I present "Waiting" Chapter 2

I got several comments urging me to continue with the story, so I did. Chapter 3 will be up by Sunday night sometime.

Author: insane_pyro_grl
Rating: PG for now, but it will go up in the future
Summary: Ville doesnt want to go to Finland without Bam, because he loves him.
Notes: This was created with a lot of Black Cherry Vanilla Coke going through my system, the first pop Id had in a week... I was kinda hyper.

“Waiting” Chapter 2

Ville was now on an airplane headed to Finland, the events with Bam rolling in his head like a cement mixer. Could Bam really feel the same way Ville did? Or did he kiss him out of pure spontaneity?

He soon felt eyes burning their gaze into him. He slowly turned his head to the left and saw those blue eyes that haunted him.

“What are you staring at me for Bammie?” He asked.

“Because you’re so damn beautiful.”

“You can’t stare at me the whole flight ya know.”

“Oh yes I can.”

“Please don’t, it’s creeping me out a bit.”

Ville put his headphones on and listened to classical music as he took out a notebook and pen. Even though Bam was now coming with him to Finland, he still had half an album to write. As he thought of words coming together in his mind, Bam was still staring at him, his crystal blue eyes trying to make contact with Ville’s jade green eyes, which now had a sparkle in them.

Bam thought of how he was now on a plane sitting next to his best friend, and soon hopefully more than friends. How he was on this plane was an adventure in itself.

After the two had broken their kiss in the airport terminal, Ville had said, “I’m not going to Finland unless you’re right there with me.” Bam stuck his hand in his left pocket and produced his cell phone.

“Call Linde, tell him something happened with your flight, and have to get on the next one. We’ll then book the tickets, and I’ll go to Helsinki with you.” Bam said.

“For the whole time the band and I are there?”

“Of course.”

Ville took the phone from the skater and dialed Linde’s cell phone.

“Hello?” Linde answered.

“Hi Linde, its Ville.”

“Hey man, are you on your flight yet?”

“About my flight, something’s wrong with the plane and I have to wait for another flight.”

“Oh, that sucks, well when will you be here?”

“I don’t know yet, I’ll call you when I get more info.”

“Okay, well I’ve gotta go Ville, call me as soon as you know when you’ll be here.”

“Bye Linde.”

“Bye Ville.”

Ville ended the call, and looked at Bam.

“It’s fine, let’s go book our flight.” The green eyed man said.

Bam and Ville walked over to the ticket counter and booked a flight for Friday, two days away. They paid for the tickets and headed for Bam’s Hummer.

“So what are you going to do?” Bam asked.

“What do you mean?” Ville said with a bewildered look, his luggage dragging behind him on the moving sidewalk.

“Are you going to stay in a hotel or what? Because you know Willa, there’s always a room with your name on it at my place.”

“You know what Bam Bam?”

“What Willa?”

“I think I might take you up on that offer to stay at your place.” Ville smiled.

“Good, it only took you four fucking years.” Bam smiled and there was a sparkle in his eye.

As they stepped off the moving sidewalk, Bam asked the question that had been bothering him all day.

“So why were you so quiet earlier?” Bam asked

“I didn’t want to leave West Chester, I wasn’t looking forward to going back to Finland.”

“Why not?”

“Because Bam, my dear Bammie, you wouldn’t be there.”

They had reached the Hummer when Bam’s cell phone rang with the familiar ring tone of “Funeral of Hearts.”

“Hello?” Bam said.

“Oh hey Ape.” “No, he didn’t leave, something happened with the flight, so he’s staying in the guest room at my place for the next couple of days.” “Okay, then I’ll see you tomorrow at lunch.” “Love you too Ape.” Bam put the phone back in his pocket and opened up the Hummer while Ville enjoyed a cigarette.

“That was Ape, she’s taking me to lunch tomorrow and said that since you’re staying, you’re welcome to come if you’d like.” Bam said getting in the truck, starting it up and putting a CD in, Ville’s voice echoing through the Hummer, singing “Buried Alive By Love.” The memories of making that video came rushing back to both of them, from the ‘Wawa Conwertible’ to the first time Ville saw the video completed after Bam was done editing it.

“You know what we should do before we leave?” Bam said.

“What would that be?”

“Take another Conwertible ride while you’re singing “Like a Wergin,” that would be fun.

“Do I really have to sing that again?”

“Nah, I was just kidding anyways.”

“Whatever you say Bammie.” Ville said taking a long drag of his cigarette and flicking the ash out the window.

After another half hour of music, (though Ville insisted that Bam put something else in the CD player, he was getting tired of hearing himself) they arrived at Bam’s house.

Ville grabbed his luggage out of the Hummer and followed Bam to the door. They walked in and found Raab at the pirate bar with a beer, Dunn and Dico arguing about something stupid most likely, and Rake was sleeping on the couch.

“Yo assholes, I’m home!” Bam said loudly.

“Hey guys.” Said Ville.

The guys did a double take when they saw Ville.

“Aren’t you supposed to be on your way back to Finland?” Dunn asked.

“Yeah, but it’s been postponed a couple of days, something went wrong with the plane.” The singer explained.

“So Ville’s gonna be staying here till Friday, he’ll be in the guest room.” Added Bam.

The guys who were conscious nodded their heads in acknowledgment and went back to what they were doing, until Rake suddenly woke up.

“Huh? What happened? What’s Ville doing here?” A sleepy Rake said.

Bam hit his forehead with his hand, “Dunn, will you explain everything to the dumbfuck who woke up two minutes too late.”

“Got it.” Dunn replied.

“I’ll show you to where you’re staying Ville.”

Ville followed the blue eyed skater up the stairs to the guest room, which of course just like the rest of the house, was decked out in heartagrams. He put his bags in the corner of the room and sat down on the edge of the bed.

“You know where everything is, but if you do need anything, you know where my room is, just ask.” Said Bam.

Bam turned to leave but Ville stopped him.

“Bam can I talk to you about something?”

“Sure what is it?” Asked the younger man who sat down on the bed next to his best friend.

“What did you mean earlier by ‘I’ve been waiting so long to do this’?”

AHA! A cliffhanger, sorry guys I had to do it. Chapter 3 will be up soon, I promise, probably by tommorrow night hopefully.
Comments make me write quicker!
And if it's pretty craptacular, it's because both of my betas are offline...damn them.
And I hope you got that most of this chapter is a fast forward to Friday, then a rewind to right after they kissed.
Love ya,
Jordan ♥
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