
Feb 23, 2006 18:32

Hi everyone, I'm new here, I just joined a few days ago, and have been enjoying the awesome fiction here. Here's a little bit about myself.
Name: Jordan
Location: Western New York, US
Other crap: Ive loved HIM for about a year and a half, but only got into them since last October, and now Im hooked. Ive probably seen every Viva La Bam episode there's been from Season two on, at least twice. And, no Bam didnt get me into HIM, I found that all by myself.
Yeah, I'm a girl, my name doesnt really imply it, so I might as well tell ya.

Here's my first attempt at a Vam fic... Ive only been reading Vam for three days, pathetic, I know.

Title: "Waiting"
Author: insane_pyro_grl (moi!)
Rating: I'll give it a PG
Summary: Ville has to leave to Finland for a while, and doesnt want to leave Bam becuase he secretly loves him. (I suck royaly at summaries)

And I'm not sure if this is going to be a Drabble, or blow it out into a chapter fic, so you guys can give me feedback on what you think I should do...onto the story!

Comments = love & make me happy


Ville Valo was sitting on the edge of his hotel bed, his head in his hands. His luggage was already packed and in the corner of the room. It was the most upset he’d been in a while.

Bam was already on his way to pick him up to take him to the airport. It would be the last time he would see his Bammie for six months. The band was going back to Finland to work on a new album, that Ville hadn’t even completed writing the songs for yet, which would delay production, and overall expand the time that he wouldn’t be able to see Bam.

Unaware to the man coming up the hotel elevator, Ville was in love with him. He had been for the past year, but kept his façade around the skater: calm, cool, collected, not trying to jump him in an alleyway.

There was a knock on Ville’s door, he knew it was Bam, and gave a barely audible “Come in Bam.”

Bam Margera walked through the door of Ville’s hotel room, and saw his best friend with his head in his hands, staring at the floor.

“What’s wrong Willa? You should be happy, you haven’t seen the guys in forever, and you’re going back home, to Finland, to Helsinki!”

The singer was now staying in West Chester, Bam offered him a room in his house, but Ville didn’t want to impose. Plus it would be easier if Ville wasn’t in the same house as Bam, something might happen and the older man’s feelings might come out. Bam might see him as a faggot, and have nothing to do with him, and then what would he do? He’d lose the single most important person in his life.

“Ville? Hello, Earth to Mr. Valo?” Bam said waving his hand in front of Ville’s face.

“Oh, I’ll grab my bags, and we can leave then.” Ville said quietly.

Ville got up from the bed, and grabbed his bags from where they were lying on the floor in the corner, haphazardly packed.

“Let me take those for you Ville, you don’t seem well. Are you going to be okay on the flight?”

“No, no, I’m fine, just need a smoke is all.”

He walked over to the door, and Bam shortly fell into step behind him, until they reached the elevator. Ville started pushing the down button rapidly, as if the elevator would come quicker if he hit the button eight million times.

Bam wondered what was up with Ville, why he was acting so strangely. The clicking of the elevator button going in and out was starting to annoy him, so he placed his hand on Ville’s and moved it away from the button.

“Are you sure you’re okay Ville?”

The other man looked down at him with puppy dog eyes.

“I’m fine, I guess I just don’t want to leave is all.”

The elevator finally opened its doors, and the two walked in. This time Bam pressed the button for them to head down to the lobby. As they descended, Bam said, “I’ll check you out, and you can put your bags in the Hummer.” Bam reached in his pocket, took out his car keys, and held them out for Ville to take.

“Are you sure you can handle all of your bags? You know I’d be glad to help you.”

“I’m fine Bam.” Ville replied, taking the keys from Bam.

The elevator doors slid open, and revealed the lobby. Bam went one way, and Ville went the opposite, towards the door. He found Bam’s Hummer with relative ease, opened the back hatch with the click of a button, and slid his luggage in. After slamming the hatch closed, Ville took a cigarette, put it in his mouth, grabbed the lighter out of his right pocket, and lit the cigarette. The first drag he took was a long slow drag off the fag, tasting every bit of it. He exhaled slowly, and went to the front of the Hummer, opening the passenger door with another quick click of a button, and getting in.

He sat in the passenger’s seat taking long drags off his cigarette, thinking of what was to come. He would go to the airport, get on a plane, and leave Bam behind for the next six months. How could he live without seeing those blue eyes everyday? Sure Bam would visit on occasion, come to Finland for a week, and then leave again, leaving Ville all alone again.

Ville snapped out of his thoughts when he heard a knocking. He turned his head and found Bam knocking on the window, “Hello, Ville, let me in man!” Ville leaned over to the driver’s side, and pressed the door unlock button. Bam got in, and started up the Hummer, letting the engine warm up a bit.

Bam looked at Ville, who was lighting up another cigarette, “Ville, you know you can tell me anything, right?”

“Yes I know that.”

“Then what’s wrong? Do you not trust me or something?”

“Bammie, there’s nothing wrong, and of course I trust you, I trust my Bam Bam with everything.” Ville replied, trying to look sincere. There was one thing that Ville wouldn’t trust himself saying to Bam, and those were the three words he most wanted to utter to the man.

Bam put the Hummer in drive and took off, on their way to the airport. Ville looked out the window the whole time, trying to avoid the looks that Bam kept giving him, trying to make eye contact with Ville, but it wasn’t working.

About 45 minutes later, the Hummer was parked in the airport parking lot. Ville got out of the truck, and lit up his last cigarette before his flight. Ville opened the back hatch again and retrieved his luggage. As he started walking towards the entrance of the airport, Bam ran to catch up with him.

“Have a good time in Finland Ville, if you need anything, you know I’m just a call away.”

A call away, and millions of miles, to bridge the gap between them took hours on an airplane. Ville wanted Bam right by his side in Finland, wanted them to hold hands while walking down a sidewalk together, get plastered as hell, and then spend all night cuddling in bed. However, he knew that this would never happen.

The automatic doors slid open, and Ville walked through them. In a matter of minutes he’d have to leave his Bammie. It seemed like only seconds had passed to Ville when they arrived at the boarding gate, in truth it had been over twenty minutes.

“Flight 1076 to Helsinki, Finland now boarding!” The intercom said.

Ville thought for a second, he wondered why 1076 had sparked something in him. Then his own words came back, “41+66.6 = Our Loss” 41+66.6 had equaled 107.6, how ironic that he was going to suffer a loss because of Flight 1076. The loss of Bam, his love being taken away from him for more than six months. He couldn’t handle it; he choked back tears as he said his good bye to Bam.

“Good bye Bam, I’ll see you soon.” Ville said, putting out his hand to shake.

Bam took Ville’s hand and pulled the older man into a hug. “Bye Willa Walo, I’ll miss you.”

Ville turned around and walked towards the gate, and was about to hand his ticket to the woman next to the gate, but heard “Ville, wait!”

He spun around and found Bam running towards him.

“What’s wrong Bam?”

Bam pulled Ville into a close hug, and said, “I can’t believe I’ve waited so long.”

“Waited for what?”

“I’ve been waiting so long to do this.” Bam said before kissing Ville, slowly at first, and then it turned passionate, Bam’s tongue going into Ville’s mouth, their tongues dancing together, kissing in the middle of the airport boarding gate.

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