all will be well ...

Mar 05, 2006 23:51

Title: Even Your Shadow I Miss
Part Fourteen
Rating: PG-13
Author: Me, myself, and I
Disclaimer: I own them. They live in my sock drawer and that's why I never get any sleep. Goo Goo Dolls own the song.
Summary: Snapshots in the lives of Ville and Bam.

Previous chapters in cut.

Part Eleven
Part Twelve
Part Thirteen ... Mwahahahaha.

Even Your Shadow I Miss
Part Fourteen

Take your time
Move yourself to me

Bam faceplanted onto the bed, cursing into the sheets. Ville laughed. Bam sat up glowering him, which only made his boyfriend laugh harder. "Aw, darling. What is it?"

"Let's get drunk." Bam said. "Let's get wasted and go do something stupid that we'll regret tomorrow."

"I thought that was our whole relationship." Ville teased, leaning forward and kissing Bam on the cheek as the younger boy flipped him the finger. "Oh, all right. I'll get smashed, but only because I love you." he said, sounding exasperated.

"Oh, right." Bam said, rolling his eyes. "Because you need coaxing to get drunk."

Fifteen minutes later, they were sitting on the edge of the pool, their feet in the cool water. It was quiet, owing to the fact that everyone was out. Ville raised a vodka bottle to his lips, kicking his feet in the water and showering his boyfriend in it.

Laughing, Bam slipped into the water and pulled Ville in by the wrists, vodka bottle and all. "Jesus Christ." Ville said, startled by the cold temperature of the water. "What is it with you and water lately?"

"Oh, come on, Willa." Bam said. "It's fun." He splashed his boyfriend, swimming backward out of reach when those pale hands reached out for him. "Uh-uh. You gotta catch me to get the prize."

"And what's the prize?" Ville asked, arching an eyebrow and slowly moving toward his boyfriend.

"Whatever you want, baby." the other said in a mock-husky voice, batting his wet eyelashes.

"You're so cute as a slut, Bammie. You sure there isn't something you need to tell me?"

Bam flipped Ville the finger and splashed him again. "I'm completely offended, Mr. Valo. What on earth would you make you think I'm anything but chaste?"

"Hmmm . . ." Ville pretended to think for a moment. "How about the tape in your dresser drawer?"

Bam glared at him. "I was framed."

"Framed my ass." Ville said, finally in front of his boyfriend in the water. Two arms snaked around the younger boy as he flashed a smile. Bam could only hold his glare for about fifteen seconds, until Ville started tickling him underneath his shirt.

"Vil-le!" Bam whined, splashing water as he tried to get away.

"Ba-am!" the other said in a fake falsetto. "Quit splashing, you pussy. I'm not going to rape you."

"Liar!" Bam cried, laughing. Finally putting his arms around his boyfriend's neck and pressing their lips together. He raised his legs, wrapping them around Ville's waist as the older man brought his lips to his neck. "Love me, Ville." he murmured, bringing a hand up to the wet tangles of Ville's dark locks.

* * *

"Oh come on, you big baby." Bam said, pulling Ville toward the pool by the hand. "You're not going to melt."

"Bam, I--" Ville's words were cut off when his friend pushed him into the pool. The water wasn't more than five foot deep, but he was flailing anyway.

Bam jumped in immediately, eyes widened in horror, pulling Ville up above water. "Oh God, Ville. I didn't mean to. I didn't--"

"I told you not to!" Ville snapped, wrapping his arms around Bam and holding onto him for dear life. "I can't swim." he said. "I fell into a lake once when I was a kid and I almost drowned." He whimpered, burying his face in Bam's shoulder.

"I wouldn't let you drown." Bam promised, knowing this was the point in the conversation when he was supposed to apologize, but ignoring conventional protocol. "Ville," he said, noticing Ville's legs raised in the water, "it's only five feet here. You can stand up."

Ville shook his head. "Uh-uh. No fucking way. You'll drop me."

"I will not." Bam said, slightly offended. "I promise." he added in a softer tone. "Just put your feet down."

Hesitantly, Ville slowly let his legs bend downward until they rested on the bottom of the pool. He raised his head, staring up at Bam, an embarassed smile on his face. "You must think I'm a real wuss, huh?"

"Only a little." Bam promised, smiling. "I'm scared of snakes, remember?"

"I want to get out of the pool." Ville said, his smile disappearing as Bam started moving backward in the water, pulling his friend with him. "Stop doing that!" he shrieked in near hysterics. "Bam, don't. Please don't. Bam, knock it the fuck off!"

"I'm not going to let go of you." he promised, tightening his grip on Ville convincingly. "It's just water, Ville."

"I don't give a fuck." Ville snapped. "I don't want to be in it."

"Just try."

"Fuck off!" Ville screamed, pulling away from Bam and moving toward the ladder on the side of the pool, hardly aware of the absence of his friend's arms. It wasn't until he was standing next to the body of water that he noticed the smirk on the blue-eyed boy's face.

"You seemed just fine there."

"Cocky little brat." But there was a smile on Ville's face as he slipped back into the pool, letting Bam give him a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

* * *

"Oh, God." Ville groaned, rolling over and realizing he and Bam were on the floor of Fast Eddy's Tree Top Casino. "What the fuck did we do last night?"

I think I love you
but I ain't sayin' nothin' you don't know
Hold on dreamaway
You're my sweet charade


Just a short pointless thing.

I'm kinda stuck right now, so I might be putting out lotsa chapters like these until I get some muse bitchslapping me.

Vam chocolates for all and a brandnew dance for the FC.
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