all will be well ...

Mar 05, 2006 14:21

Title: Even Your Shadow I Miss
Part Thirteen <----The spookiness. Mwahahaha.
Rating: PG-13
Author: My humble self.
Disclaimer: I own them and I turned them into bobblehead dolls. Mwahahahaha. Third Eye Blind owns the song.
Summary: Snapshots in the lives of Bam and Ville.
A/N: It's chapter thirteen. Will I be naughty or nice? ;)

Previous chapters in cut, with change. From now on, I'm only going to past the previous three chapters, because I know sometimes people have difficulty finding the most recent ones. You can find ANY chapter through links in previous ones. (Just because the links take up so much damn space.)

Part Ten
Part Eleven
Part Twelve

Even Your Shadow I Miss
Part Thirteen

Here I am and I want to take a hit
Of your sent cause it bit so deep into my soul

Ville ran a hand across Bam's wet curls, taking care not to stir him from his sleep. The day had been exhausting for the both of them. They had come home, been forced to hot tea and been severly scolded by a frantic April, and showered. Bam had collapsed almost immediately after.

Ville never ceased to be amazed by how innocent Bam could look, how much he seemed to change in seconds, from naughty little tease to annoying little brat to an innocent angel that took his breath away.

It was hard to believe they had only been 'together' for ten months. It was even harder to believe they'd lasted over three years getting to this point. Bam laughed so hard he cried and Ville cried outright when they realized they'd been in love right from the start, but too afraid to say anything.

* * *

Bam pressed his lips to Ville's in a drunken kiss that neither would be able to forget the taste of for the rest of their lives. Then, terrified he pulled away, fear evident in the blueness of his eyes, the trembling of his lip. "Oh fuck." His voice was panicked, his mind feverishly searching for a way to explain away this . . . this . . . "Oh fuck, Ville." Bam said. "I . . . I didn't mean to . . . just the beer."

Bam gasped when he felt Ville's lips against his. Ville's tongue slipped into his now opened mouth and they kissed like lovers, like a military wife kissing her husband when he returns from the Gulf Coast, like the first kiss you share after he gives you an engagement ring . . . like their first kiss. Like they were inventing it as they leaned into each other, tastes and scents burning into their minds permanently.

Bam stared at Ville after the kiss broke, when they were both gasping for air that seemed to have vacated the room. "Is it still just the beer?" Ville asked, knowing the answer as tears started to form in his eyes. He stared into Bam's crystalline orbs, trying to read the emotions swimming in them. "How long?" he whispered, his voice cracking.

"Since forever." Bam said. "Since the first time I saw you, since the minute you lit your cigarette, since you looked at me, since the first time I heard you sing. I fell for you a million times, Ville."

"Oh God, Bammie." Ville said, almost horrified. "I fell for you about two seconds short of forever."

It was a weak laugh that tumbled from Bam's lips, but a laugh nonetheless. "We're so fucking stupid." The laughter increased, nearly hysterical, as Ville softly started to cry. Then the laughter ceased and tears poured down Bam's cheeks as the two men found each other, kissing through tears and slowly falling back against the bed, exploring the flesh of each other, the taste, Ville's pale skin, Bam's flushed cheeks.

They made love through silent tears, through whispered 'I love yous' that dripped of apology without the words every leaving their lips.

Afterward, when Ville was holding Bam in his arms and Bam was tracing the tattoos on his pale skin, he made his promise.

"You said you've loved me since forever?" he asked.

Bam just nodded, not trusting himself to speak.

"I'll love you past that." Ville swore. "I'll love you past that, Bammie-angel."

* * *

"Whatcha thinkin' 'bout, Ville?" Bam asked sleepily.

Ville was startled out of the past, unware that his lover was awake. "Just how much I love you."

"You're such a girl, Ville." Bam's eyes fluttered shut again, his hand reaching out and clutching Ville's. "'Night."

"'Night." Ville echoed, slowly closing his own eyes and allowing memories to flow through his mind.

* * *

Bam knelt at the edge of the bed he and Ville shared, looking at his boyfriend who was lighting a cigarette and absently flipping through a book. "Yes, Bammie darling?" he said, looking expectantly at his boyfriend.

"I would die tonight for love." Bam said.

Straining, Ville could hear the closing chords of "Join Me" coming from the 'death metal jukebox' in the living room. He smiled and held out his arms, which Bam scrambled into quickly, leaning his head against Ville's shoulder. "Well," Ville said, taking a drag off his cigarette, "don't."

Bam smiled back. "You don't want me to die tonight for love?"

"Of course not." Ville said, kissing Bam's forehead. "I don't want you to die tonight or any other night in the near future. I want you to stay here and annoy the fuck out of me."

"Love me forever, Ville?" Bam asked suddenly, his crystal-blue eyes staring at his boyfriend.

"No, Bam." Ville whispered, kissing his lover's temple. "Forever isn't long enough, my angel."

An open invitation to the dance
Happenstance set the vibe that we are in
No apology because my urge is genuine
And the mystery of your rhythm is so feminine


So . . . depending on your view of fluffy goodness Chapter 13 was either as scary as the superstition or a shattering of the stereotype.

Reviews anyone?

Oh, and also, feel free to leave me any ideas for future chapters. As long as it doesn't have to do with death and isn't too angsty.

Vam chocolates for all and lap dance for the FC!

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