Just Another Kid

Feb 22, 2006 00:10

Summary- Bam's known for a while that Ville has a little.. problem. But what happens when it starts getting out of control?
Rating- Mostly PG-13, but since it's me, there are NC-17 bits thrown in.
Caution- This is a bloody long story.
Right then... onward.

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

In a pair of torn shorts, shirtless, Ville sat with his legs dangling into the pool. He lifted a half empty bottle of Jack to his lips and took a pull, nearly choking on it as Bam splashed him. “You got my smokes wet, you wanker. Cut it out.” Opening the pack to check the damage, he shook his head. “You’re lucky I’m drunk.”

“Well, quit bein a pussy and get in.” Bam grinned from where he was splashing around in the pool. “Drunk swimming is awesome.” He waded over to the edge of the pool, setting his hands on his boyfriend’s thighs and pouting as cutely as he could manage. “Please, Vil? You look so sexy all wet.”

Smirking a bit, Ville slid into the pool, turning to take another swallow of Jack and light a cigarette. He ducked his head under the water, holding the cigarette over his head. Surfacing, he shook his head, spraying water everywhere. “It does feel rather nice.”

Bam laughed, watching him do a slow, lazy breaststroke, his head above the water, cigarette dangling from his lips. “Honest to god, you’re the only guy I know who smokes while he swims.” He caught Ville as he swam past, pulling his water slicked body close. “No one’s here,” he murmured. “You didn’t have to get your shorts all wet.”

“I haven’t got swim trunks, my love.” Ville teasingly tugged at the waist of Bam’s swim shorts. “And I can’t very well go naked all by my lonesome, can I?” He smiled and let his lover pin him to the side of the pool, kissing him deeply. Reaching out blindly to put out his cigarette, he wrapped both arms around Bam. “You’re pretty sexy all wet, yourself.”

“How many eleven-teen year-old’s hearts do you think we’re breaking right now?” Bam grinned at Ville’s light snicker and leaned up to kiss him again. Suddenly, he pulled away, and hauled himself out of the pool. “Watch me, Willa!” He ran to the diving board and did a showy flip off.

Ville smiled indulgently, leaning against the wall of the pool. “Wonderful, sweetheart.” He took another pull from the bottle of Jack, watching Bam continue to do tricks and flips off the diving board. Pulling one of the floating lounge chairs closer, Ville hefted himself onto it, content to let the sun dry him.

Desperately fighting the urge to swim underneath Ville’s chair and dump him into the water, Bam managed to control himself. He didn’t even do a cannon ball half on top of the singer, which he was proud of. Leaning on the edge of the chair, dipping his lover into the water a bit, he grinned as Ville opened one eye. “I’m getting all pruny. And you’re getting fuckin pink.”

Looking down at himself, Ville groaned softly. His normally pale skin had a definite pink glow. “Great. Now I’ll be sunburned and wind up with more freckles.”

“Your freckles are sexy.”

“Hmph.” Ville rolled off the chair, feeling the cool water surround him. The sensation was relaxing, especially after the heat of the late summer sun, and he felt the urge to stay there; down where it was cool and comforting, where the water seemed to hold him up and press him down all at once. He felt the urge to stay in the cool darkness, to wrap it around him like a blanket, to fall asleep feeling weightless and peaceful, down where he didn’t have to think about anything.

But suddenly rough hands were pulling at him, clutching at his shoulders, at the heavy material of his pants. Ville felt the heat of the fading sun on his face again and sputtered slightly, blinking his eyes open. Peering up into wide blue eyes, he frowned just a bit. “I think you’ve bruised me, Bammie.”

Bam tilted his head. “You were down for a fuckin while, Vil.” His hand gently trailed up the curved knobs of Ville’s spine. “You weren’t doing anything stupid, right?”

Hauling himself out of the water to cover the flush on his cheeks, Ville stripped off his shorts, tossing them over a chair. “I can’t believe you even asked me that, Bam.” But he wondered what exactly he had been doing.

Watching Ville take a long gulp of whiskey, Bam frowned and hauled himself out of the pool, trying not to stare at the water-logged boxers than hung dangerously low on Ville’s hips, clinging to him like a second skin. “Hey,” he said softly. “I thought we weren’t gonna think today.”

“Yeah…” Ville relaxed a bit as strong arms came around his waist. He let his head fall back against Bam’s shoulder, placing his hands over his boyfriend’s. “I know. I’m sorry.” Suddenly, he pulled away to peel off his dripping boxers, tossing them teasingly over Bam’s head before hurrying into the house.

“Hell, yeah, baby! Look at that ass move!” Bam let out a wolf whistle, hearing Ville’s distinctive laugh even from inside the house. Tossing his trunks over another chair, he hurried up to his bathroom, knowing Ville would want to rise off the chlorine as soon as he could.

Ville waited until he heard footsteps pounding up the steps before hurrying out of the shower. He made sure he had a large towel wrapped around his waist when Bam came bursting into the bathroom. “Where’s the fire, sweetheart?” Smirking at the disappointed look, he brushed past his lover and into the bedroom.

Grumbling to himself, Bam jumped under the spray, impatiently rinsing himself off. He grabbed a towel, slinging it round his waist as he walked into the bedroom. “Fuck, I love those.”

Following Bam’s eyes down to the tight, high cut black panties he usually reserved for his skin tight leather pants and from now on, teasing Bam, Ville smirked.

“Tease,” Bam whispered, watching Ville bend down to grab a large Element shirt he had on earlier. He had to laugh when he put it on; his slender boyfriend was nearly swimming in the material, the huge shirt coming half down his thighs. “That’s kind of sexy.”

“Is it?” Ville rolled the sleeves up a bit, letting the rolled cloth rest just past his elbows. “This can’t possibly fit you properly.” He smiled as Bam shook his head. Glancing down at himself, he smiled softly. “I officially forgive any of my girlfriends who’ve stolen a shirt of mine.”

Pulling on a pair of boxers and shorts, Bam put on a pouty face. “You mad at me, babe?” He broke into a grin as Ville hugged him tight, and he looked down at the cute way Ville’s- his- t-shirt rode up the pale legs. “Is that a no?”

Kissing Bam lightly, Ville snuggled closer for a second. “I’m not mad. I was at first, but… I know you’re just worried. I am too.” With a self conscious shrug, he leaned back, trusting Bam to support him. “I’m hungry, Bammie.”

With a smirk, Bam pulled Ville flush against him, spinning him half around to dip him. “Yeah? I got something you can eat.” Rocking his groin against his lover, he smiled as Ville giggled, then leaned down to kiss him before straightening them both. “You wanna go out, or you wanna stay in?”

Ville looked down at his ensemble, then lifted his eyes to Bam, giving him a wry look. “One guess, darling.”

“Staying in, I guess.” Bam grinned. “What do you want?” He rolled his eyes as Ville just smiled. “Thai, right?”

“Please.” While Bam went to order, Ville curled up on the couch with a rapidly emptying bottle of whiskey. He lit a cigarette, leaning against his lover when he sat beside him. Shaking his head, he held the bottle away when Bam reached for it. “No.”

“Oh, come on. There’s more-“

“No. You know how you are on whiskey, Bammie. None for you.”

Bam grumbled a bit, pushing Ville to sit up. “I’m fine on whiskey,” he muttered, walking into the kitchen for a beer. He sat back down, smiling as Ville put his legs around him to cuddle close. “You’re so cute sometimes, it actually makes me sick.”

“Thanks?” Ville laughed, handing over the remote. “Find us some stupid shit American tv to watch.” He continued to drink steadily, killing the growing anxiety with alcohol.

When they finally went to bed, barely managing to stumble up the stairs, Ville sat heavily on the bed. “So fuckin drunk,” he muttered, attempting to take off his shirt and getting tangled in the process. He flopped onto his back and wriggled out of his underwear, sliding under the covers.

Stripping himself, Bam grinned. “I hope you aren’t expecting any sex. Cause I’m way too drunk.” He crawled into bed. “And if you get on top, you’ll fall off.” Slipping an arm around a laughing Ville, he tugged him close. “Comfortable?”

Ville nodded, scooting down a bit to rest his head on Bam’s chest. “Yeah.” He tangled their legs together, sighing contentedly as Bam ran a hand through his hair. “You’re the most comfy boyfriend I’ve ever had,” he slurred.

Snickering, Bam gently cuffed the back of his head. “I’m the only boyfriend you’ve ever had. Now, shut up and go to sleep.”

“I can’t go.”

“You can.”

“I won’t.”

“You fuckin will.”

Ville groaned and pulled a pillow over his head. “I’m too hung over.”

“That’s bullshit. You brag about your Finnish powers of hang over recovery all the time. Get up.” Bam pulled the pillow away and tugged Ville up into a sitting position. “C’mon, get dressed.”

Seriously contemplating just refusing and throwing a tantrum, Ville sighed and began pulling on clothes. “I really, really don’t want to do this.” He let Bam pull him into a tight embrace, leaning into him.

Bam kissed his cheek. “I know, babe.” He let Ville clutch his hand, leading him downstairs and out to the Hummer. As he drove, he watched out of the corner of his eye while his boyfriend began chain smoking. “It’s a three hour drive, Vil. Relax.”

“That’s not going to happen.” Ville looked out the window. “Put on some music, Bammie.” He sighed as Cradle of Filth blasted through the speakers, and reached for Bam’s hand.

As they got closer to New York, Bam’s arm grew tired from the awkward position, but he made no move to take his hand back. Ville clutched his fingers almost tight enough to hurt, but he just squeezed back. “We’re almost there.”

Nodding silently, Ville pulled his legs up to sit Indian style. He lit yet another cigarette, looking out the window again as they drove through Manhattan. They pulled into a parking garage and he reluctantly let go of Bam’s hand, jamming his hands deep into his pockets.

“Okay, so…” Bam checked the address and directions, pointing down the street. “This way. Have your last smoke now, Ville; we’re gonna be just on time.” He waited for him to light up, then headed down the street. “Don’t be scared, baby. I’m gonna be with you.”

Ville nodded again and stuck his hands back in his pockets, cigarette dangling from his lips. He looked down as he walked, watching Bam’s feet in order to follow him. Even so, he nearly slammed into the skater as he stopped abruptly. Looking up to the tall building, he tossed his cigarette aside and took a deep breath. “This is it, then?”

“Yeah.” Bam lead them inside, looking for the right suite. He leaned up to kiss Ville when they got in the elevator. “It’s gonna be okay.” Practically dragging Ville down the hall, he walked up to the desk. “We’ve got an appointment.”

The receptionist glanced up at them, pulling out a large book. “Name?”

“Valo. Ville Valo.” Nervously toying with the torn hem of his shirt, Ville watched her run a manicured nail down the list.

“Okay. Fill this out,” she said, handing over a clipboard with forms on it. “And the doctor will be ready for you shortly.”

Taking the clipboard and pen, Ville let Bam lead him to a seat. The waiting room was empty save for an elderly woman, and he sat with his legs up, hunched in on himself. He scribbled quickly onto the forms, chewing at his lower lip.

Bam returned the clipboard to the receptionist when he was through. He sat and slipped his hand into Ville’s, ignoring the surprised look he received. Squeezing his fingers a little, he just smiled comfortingly.

Finally, a door opened and a middle aged man stood, looking down at a folder. “Mr. Valo?” He looked up as Ville and Bam both stood. “I’m Dr. Jackson.” He held out a hand.

Ville took it, trying to force his own hand not to shake. “Ville Valo,” he said softly. He cast a desperate look at Bam. “He can come with me, can’t he?”

The doctor paused, looking Bam over. “And who is this?”

Seeing Ville hesitate, Bam stepped forward and held out a hand. “Bam Margera. I’m his boyfriend.” It was the first time he’d ever uttered those words to a complete stranger, and he was proud of how his voice didn’t even waver.

Looking at them both for a second, Dr. Jackson just shrugged. “If you would feel more comfortable with- Bam, is it? -with you, that’s fine with me.” He lead them both back to a comfortable office. “Have a seat.”
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