Vam City

Feb 17, 2006 22:30

I played Scrabble today...with my Gerard...we had fun..and upon my tray at one point in time were the words 'Vam City' was beautiful...and now..more...

EDIT: I just made a heartagram brownie said VAM on had sprinkles and purple icing..i almost threw's pretty sexy..i'll manage a picture sometime because you know you want to see it.

You Made Me: Fall
Vam..or something like it.
PG-15 for language and all those fun things
Bam's POV
Don't Know, Don't Own, Never Happened
previous chapters under the link

My finger has been on the ‘talk’ button so many times. I can’t press it. I can’t do it. Why did you just walk away from me like that? I can’t get the picture of you fucking the hell out of that random out of my head. I can’t help but to feel that it should have been me. I wanted to chase you and hit you so hard, then kiss you and make up for it. I loved the way you kissed me. It was honest, simple, real. You have feelings for me, just like I have for you. But why do I have these ‘feelings’? Why’s it you? Why’s it gotta be you? I mean we were such good friends..and now it’s all fucked.

Anyhow, I’m afraid I’m sick. My chest hurts all the time. I feel really sick and I don’t want to do anything. Novak keeps bugging me and stealing my socks. Motherfucker. I hit him with my alarm clock, but he still keeps coming in here to bug me. I turn over and look at my phone, 6:38 a.m. Nice. I feel around and turn the TV on. I left the channel MTV on again.

‘You’re beautiful, you’re beautiful its true...there must be an angel with a smile on her face...” I clicked it off and put a pillow over my face. Everything reminded me of you. I held the pillow on my face and screamed. It always worked in the movies.

It didn’t work for me.

Fucking Hell, there it is again. The metal video clip of you nailing that random. I can hear you groan. I shake my head. NO, I’m not going to think about it anymore. I’m not. I get up and pull on some jeans and a hoodie, then shove my feet into a pair of shoes. I tramp down through the house, not caring if I wake anyone up. It’s my god damn house. I grab the board by the door and go out to the driveway.

The fifth time I fall I lay there on the ground. I don’t know where the fuck my board went and I don’t really care right now. My chest is heaving in half sobs and I’m half-out of breath. I’m so pissed. I can’t even make simple moves. You made me fall. I can’t concentrate enough to skate. The demo in Finland was easy, I mean putting you out of my head was, I was pissed as fuck. But now I’m so confused. I remember what Ryan said to me about the house. I looked at it thoroughly yesterday. It was amazing. I didn’t realize how hard I was trying to keep your essence near me. I remembered the videos we shot. I remembered how good I’d felt when we were just friends. There’s that pain in my chest again. It’s still heaving.

I breathe deeply, once, twice, thrice. My body feels so heavy. Your face appears in my head just before everything goes black.

errm..yes...that's it for now...

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Over and Out
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