Today is gonna be the day....

Feb 17, 2006 12:49

Hello. I get to post earlier due to no school. So I hope you enjoy this, Thanks for all the comment so far!

You Made Me: Desperate
Vam..or something like it.
PG-15, language and all that fun stuff
Ville's POV
Don't Know, Don't Own, Never Happened.
Previous Chatpers under the cut-a-ma-bob

I’m lying across the couch, there’s a cigarette between my lips, but it’s burning down and I’m not really smoking it. I can’t get the fucking look on your face out of my head as I walked away from you. Oh Bam Bam, what’s wrong with me? Who would have thought that for all you’d put me through, I can’t get you out of my head. You know I always keep my phone close to me, since I saw you. I thought that maybe it would’ve pissed you off enough for you to call and bitch me out, just so I could hear the sound of your voice.

Someone knocks on the door, my heart jumps for three seconds before I hear Mige’s voice. I can’t live like this much longer. I must have you. I don’t care what it takes anymore Bam Bam. My tryst with the bartender was a one night stand. I was drunk and I hope you know that. I don’t answer the door. I haven’t in a few days. Everyone’s afraid I’m doing something to myself, but I’m just lying here, smoking cigarettes and drinking, waiting for you to call. Will you please call me Bam? Please? I don’t have the nerve to call you myself. Please call...I feel desperate and I can’t stand it.


My phone rings a few minutes later. I look at it, I know it’s not you. It’s Mige. I open it and say flatly.

“I’m fine Mige, I just need some time.” Then I hung up. He didn’t call back, he knew me too well. I put out my cigarette. It’s a shame that I’ve wasted it. I could use the nicotine now. I sit up, and fall back over. My stomach is queasy and it hurts...when did I eat last? Bam Bam, why won’t you call me? My phone rings again. I open it up.


“Ville, It’s April. How are you doing?” Your mother. Ha! Your mother has called me! Well..she’s close to you, yes?

“I’m fine April. Thank you for asking.”

“You don’t sound fine. You sound like Bam, all depressed.” You were depressed.

I hang up on your mother at this moment in time. She calls back immediately. I throw the phone at the wall, cracking it. Unacceptable, I know, to blow off a woman who’s been nothing less than a second mother to me. Yes, well, no one ever said I was nice, besides, I can’t listen to her tell me about how depressed we sound..

And to think only a few weeks ago I was glad that you weren’t happy. Well, I lied to myself. I wish I knew more than the fact that I want you. I look over the edge of my couch. There was a poster of us standing up next to the window. Look at your smile. I need you. I stand up and walk to the poster. I sit before it and simply stare. I stare at your face, wishing that it wasn’t black and white so I could see the clear blue of your eyes. The tan of your skin and the brown of your hair. My fingers reach out and I trace the lines of your face all toned in shades of gray.

“Bam Bam.” I whisper and finally realize the phone’s still ringing.

yes..i feel like that sometimes...

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