Fiction: Dormitory Boys (Chapter 5)

Feb 08, 2006 23:34

I have nothing to say. Hope this makes it up to you all.

Title: Dormitory Boys
Author: breakmouth
Pairing: Vam, mostly. Who knows what could happen.
Rating: PG-13 to NC-17, depending on chapter.
Summary: At the Kiski Private Boys Boarding School, there's a new transfer student. When he shares a dorm room with Bam, however, anything could happen.
Notes: This is an on-going series. Updates will be whenever. No one is your beta this evening, because violetdollie has turned into a llama. This is an AU fic. I love me my highschool Vam.

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4

He saw Ville, pressed against the wall, half-way through a passionate kiss with the blonde-haired Lauri.

Bam slamming the dorm room door shut after him, pulling off his jacket and throwing it onto the bed. He felt like punching something. He felt like tearing up Ville’s half of the room. Destroying his shit. Anything to release his frustrations. He paced along the room, running a hand through his hair.

Who was he kidding? He had no right to be angry with Ville for kissing Lauri. Ville wasn’t his boyfriend. Ville wasn’t his anything. It was that simple. Ville had everything right in the world to be kissing Lauri. If Ville liked the blonde-haired, annoying, whiny, idiotic, brattish…

Bam’s anger quickly turned into jealousy. What was so good about Lauri anyway? He was short. And whiny. And… and… blonde.

Bam smacked his head against the wall a couple of times. What was he doing? Lauri was probably a nice guy. Or he would’ve been, if he didn’t have his tongue shoved down Ville’s throat. The idiotic, whiny brat.

Okay, yeah. He needed to stop that. Lauri didn’t know he was completely infatuated with Ville. Hell, Ville didn’t know he was completely infatuated with Ville. Although it was kind of noticeable. Or, at least, Bam thought so. What with all the flirting, and the near-kiss they near-had. Which, in hindsight, was a good thing, since both he and Ville were in class at the time. And while the school had a “Don’t ask, don’t tell” policy towards their boy’s sexualities, snogging your male roommate in Geometry class went in the “unexceptable” file. That, and Bam might’ve been sorely tempted to bend over the desk and demand Ville fuck him, or something. But no, Professor Monroe had interrupted them, and now Ville was kissing Lauri. Lauri, of all a people. Lauri, when Bam was right here and more then willing to take Lauri’s place and be kissed by Ville.

Ville hadn’t even seen him in the corridor.

The thought occurred to Bam that maybe Ville had given up on him. Maybe the flirting was serious. Hell, maybe Ville was serious when he asked Bam to the Snow Ball. Bam had frequently changed the topic, or walked off when Ville’s started up. True, Ville had often pretended that it never happened, but what if that was embarrassment at Bam rejecting his advances? What if Bam had been so blind that he’d managed to completely miss his chance with Ville? What had Bam been waiting for? He knew from first off that Ville liked boys just as equally as girls. Even if Ville had of rejected him, he would’ve still tried. Maybe he’d be the one kissing Ville right now, instead of Lauri.

Maybe Lauri was just a whiny, annoying, thieving bitch…

Bam heard the door open, and quickly looked up. It was Ville, looking decidedly mussed and satisfied. He shirt was partially undone, and Bam felt his mouth go dry at the sight of the pale skin of Ville’s chest. There was a very stong temptation to runs his hands under that black shirt and trace every muscle line his fingertips could find. Ville leaned against the doorway and practically leered at Bam.

“Hello, Bammie.” He said softly, his accent thick and sweet. Bam began to think that he wouldn’t be able to move his feet if he tried. Mussed hair, swollen lips, crumpled clothes and smuged eyeliner; Ville looked gorgeous. “Did you have a nice time?”

Bam cleared his throat and nodded, waiting for his vocal cords to start working again.

“Liar.” Ville said with a grin, walking into the room and shutting the door. He pulled off the burgundy blazer and hung it up. “You had a shit time, and you know it.”

Bam felt his jealousy rearing its ugly head again.

“Well, we can’t all have as much fun as you and Lauri.” Bam said, kicking off his shoes and socks. For a brief moment, Ville’s eyes widened in surprise, before his smooth smile returned.

“You saw that, huh?” He asked. Bam nodded stiffly.

“Thought you were saying he was cling wrap?” Bam said, pulling his shirt over his head before looking at Ville. His roommate was undoing his shoes.

“He is,” Ville countered softly, putting his shoes away neatly. “But no one else was offering.”

Bam froze. That was far too pointed for his liking. Was Ville suggesting that he would have kissed Bam instead? Bam shook his head, then continued to ignore Ville.





There was a hand on his shoulder. Fuck.

“Bammie, what’s wrong?” Ville asked, unneeded concern in his voice. Bam gritted his teeth against his desire to grab Ville and kiss him.

“Nothing.” Bam snapped, tugging his shoulder away. Ville’s hand burnt against his bare skin. He could practically feel the worry on Ville’s face.


“I said it was nothing.” He said, shoving Ville back. He just wanted to be left alone. The concern faded from Ville’s face, and he sneered.

“Look, Bam, just because you’re fucking jealous of Lauri, doesn’t mean you can take it out on me.” Ville snapped, sounding almost smug. Bam glared and finally snapped.

“I’m not fucking jealous of Lauri,” He lied. “I’m fucking pissed off at you because you’re too fucking blind to see that you’re meant to be kissing me like that.”

Bam briefly registered a bang as the desk chair fell over. Ville had pushed him back against the wall. Bam snarled and raised a hand to lay a punch on his roommate’s jaw, before he felt a firm pair of lips pressing against his.

Ville was kissing him.


At this rate, I could have the next chapter out tonight as well!
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