Fiction: Dormitory Boys (Chapter 2)

Feb 02, 2006 03:26

And a couple of days later...

Title: Dormitory Boys
Author: breakmouth
Pairing: Vam, mostly. Who knows what could happen.
Rating: PG-13 to NC-17, depending on chapter.
Summary: At the Kiski Private Boys Boarding School, there's a new transfer student. When he shares a dorm room with Bam, however, anything could happen.
Notes: This is an on-going series. Updates will be whenever. violetdollie is your late beta this evening. This is an AU fic. I love me my highschool Vam.

Chapter 1

Bam’s mind was wandering. Which was a usual thing for him, except this time his mind was wandering towards his overly good-looking roommate.
And thinking of Ville was much more interesting then Geography.

It’d been a good week since Bam has stormed out of the dining hall after Ville had jokingly asked him to the Snow Ball. It had been pretty much been left for dead after Ville had pretended that it never happened. Bam, however, couldn’t get it off his mind. Ville’s innocent flirting wasn’t helping curb Bam’s infatuation with his foreign friend, either.


Bam looked up sharply, meeting the teacher’s gaze sheepishly. The professor was looking at him expectantly. Bam coughed.

“I’m sorry, can you please repeat the question?” He asked.

“I asked you what the capital of Finland was.”

Bam went blank. Finland. Where the fuck was Finland, and why did it sound so familiar to him?

It hit him like a freight train.


“We used to live in Oulu.” Ville had said one night, when Bam had asked him about his life in Finland. “We moved when I was about twelve. Just after Jesse, my brother, was born. Helsinki is different from Oulu, but I really can’t explain it. I guess it’s just because Helsinki’s the capital, or something”

Bam grinned. “Helsinki.”

The teacher grudgingly thanked him and Bam went back to drawing a French mustache on the map of Australia on his text book until class was over.


Dunn was asking him about the Snow Ball again.

“No, Dunn. I still don’t have a date.” Bam said boredly, walking next to his friend along one of the many corridors in the large school campus. He weaved between people going to class, while still trying to keep up with the conversation.

“Why not?” Dunn asked. Bam sighed. He could answer that one easily. Because he didn’t know whether Ville was serious or not, and didn’t have enough guts to ask him. That, and Bam couldn’t go around asking cute looking boys to the Ball. Not everyone was as gay as him.

“No one to go with. You’re going with Angie and there’s a lack of gay boys around. And don’t bring up Ville.” Bam said, scuffing his feet on the floor. He knew Ryan was grinning without needing to look up.

“Speaking of which…” Ryan said, nudging Bam in the ribs and nodding towards the other end of the hallway. Bam looked up, seeing the tall, thin figure of Ville, who was partway through a conversation with a blonde haired boy. They two of them were leaning close, whispering about something unknown. Bam watched them, and tensed slightly when Ville leant his body into the other boy’s. Ville muttered something, and both started laughing. Bam glared at them.

“You look like someone’s stolen your boyfriend.” Ryan said softly. Bam glanced at him, and then back to Ville and the unknown boy.

“Who the fuck is that?” He asked sharply, continuing to walk down the hallway towards the two boys. Ryan jogged to keep up, and nearly ran into Bam when he stopped just in front of Ville. Ville was grinning.

“Hello, Bam. Just finished class?” He asked softly, folding his arms and leaning back against the wall. Bam nodded.

“Yeah, I had Geography. What about you?” Bam asked, trying to cut the blonde boy out of the conversation entirely. Ville, however, seemed to want otherwise.

“I just had History with Lauri here. Turns out he’s from Finland too.” Ville gestured towards the blonde boy, and Lauri held out his hand, smiling enthusiastically. Bam gave him a nasty look and turned back to Ville.

“We have Health last. Don’t forget your workbook. Did you do the homework?” Bam asked, hoping Ville had done some of the assigned work. It would give him the opportunity to copy, and hopefully be leaning into close to Ville’s body. Ville shook his head, and Bam mentally swore.

“Okay. What do you have now?” He asked, desperate to keep the conversation going. Ville shrugged.

“A free.” He said, before looking at Lauri. “I’ll catch you later.” Lauri nodded and walked off to his class, leaving Ryan, Bam and Ville standing there. Ryan cleared his throat.

“Bam, we better get to class.” He said, tugging on Bam’s sleeve once and then heading off. Ville smiled and leaned in close to Bam’s ear.

“See you later, Bammie.” He whispered, his breath ghosting over Bam’s ear and making him shiver. Bam closed his eyes, and when he opened them, Ville was gone.

Bam walked off to class, his throat dry and his hand burning where Ville’s fingers had brushed against the skin of his palm.

Next part tomorrow, honest!
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