Fiction: Dormitory Boys (Chapter 4)

Feb 07, 2006 20:53

I realise the last cliffhanger was mean... but... well. You'll see?

Title: Dormitory Boys
Author: breakmouth
Pairing: Vam, mostly. Who knows what could happen.
Rating: PG-13 to NC-17, depending on chapter.
Summary: At the Kiski Private Boys Boarding School, there's a new transfer student. When he shares a dorm room with Bam, however, anything could happen.
Notes: This is an on-going series. Updates will be whenever. No one is your beta this evening, because violetdollie has blown up her computer. This is an AU fic. I love me my highschool Vam.

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3

Chapter Four

“You got it wrong.” A voice breathed against his ear. Bam turned his head and found himself looking straight at Ville, whose face was only inches away from his own. Bam swallowed, and tried not to give in to the temptation to kiss his roommate. Ville’s eyes flicked down to his lips, then back up to his eyes, before he smiled, just slightly. Bam’s breath caught, and he leaned forward a fraction.

“Mr. Margera, when you are suitably finished having a staring competition with Mr. Valo, there…”

Bam jumped, and looked up to the front of the classroom. Professor Monroe had an eyebrow arched expectantly. Bam muttered an apology, before turning back to Ville and finding himself staring at the wall. Bam blinked. Ville had bent back over his work, concentration back in full force. Bam quietly looked at his workbook, sighing and picking up his pen to finish his Geometry work.

He gave Ville one last look, and could almost swear he saw a blush creeping across Ville’s cheeks.


Bam tugged on his tie, pulling it from his neck with a noise of frustration. Ryan looked at him and laughed.

“Dude, it’s just a tie. You wear one to school everyday.” He said, doing up the buttons on his dress shirt. Bam looked at him like he was crazy.

“It’s an evil tie! I’m not wearing it, man. I’ll just wear the shirt and a jacket.” He muttered, throwing the tie onto the dresser. Both he and Ryan were standing in front of the mirror in Ryan’s dorm room, getting ready for the events of that night. It was the night of the Snow Ball, Bam still had no date and the only reason he was going was because Ryan had threatened physical damage to his lower extremities. That and he really wanted to see Ville in a tuxedo, just to give him more jerking-off material. The idea made him shiver in anticipation. Ville had kicked him out the dorm room over an hour ago, saying that he needed to get ready and that he needed the room for something. Bam didn’t know what. He and Ville had been tense and rather awkward since their almost-kiss two weeks back. It certainly wasn’t mentioned, as Ville had become a master at pretending things didn’t matter.

Bam pulled on his jacket, combed a hand through his hair to tame it, and sighed. He looked at Ryan, with minimal excitement on his face.

“Let’s get this over with.”


Bam couldn’t handle it. He was so close to leaving this idiotic Snow Ball. The music was the latest chart songs on repeat, all of which Bam hated with a passion. The music sucked, the drinks were sickly-sweet and probably spiked with some unknown substance, and worst of all, Ryan had run off to be all smoochy with his girlfriend, Angie. This left Bam alone.

And he hadn’t seen Ville, yet.

Bam took another look around the large hall, trying to spot Ville’s familiar figure. No luck. Where the fuck was he? Bam sighed, setting his drink down and slowly making his was to the exit. He’d had enough of this over-hyped event, but none-the-less keeping an eye out. He had to see Ville.

“Bam…? Bam!” A voice yelled. Bam looked aorund, meeting the eyes of his friend Jenn, a student at the Ellis School for Girls. Bam smiled ruefully, before plastering a fake smile on his face as she approached. He liked her well enough, but she seemed to think he was only joking at being gay. Besides, he was way too busy looking for Ville to hold a simple conversation with her right now. Jenn had other ideas. She hugged him briefly, then smiled.

“I haven’t seen you in ages, Bam. How are you going?” She asked. Bam looked over her shoulder, becoming distracted.

“Mhmm.” Bam said non-committedly. A small smile creeped across his face, as he finally caught sight of Ville. His roommate looked beautiful dressed in all black, with an added burgundy blazer. Bam didn’t normally refer to guys as beautiful, but Ville was beautiful. He looked borderline confused as he looked around the room, and Bam wanted to yell, to get Ville’s attention. Ville, however, saved him the trouble, looking over and smiling. Bam’s breath caught. Ville’s bright green eyes were darkly rimmed with some sort of eyeliner, and it only added to his dark appearance. Jenn waved a hand infront of Bam’s face.

“Earth to Bam.”

Bam shook his head, and focused on Jenn again. He smiled in apology, and nodded to show he was listening. She continued to babble on about how much her dress had cost, and how it’d taken her three hours to get ready. Bam rolled his eyes, then grabbed her shoulders gently to stop her monologue.

“Jenn, it’s great to see you again, but I gotta fucking piss. I’ll talk to you later.” Bam said, needing to find out where Ville went. Jenn wrinkled her nose in disgust, and waved him aside, going off to find someone else to spill her makeup problems too. Bam tugged on his jacket, and headed towards the hall exit.

The lights were dimmed in the main hallway, resulting in Bam barely being able to see anything. He could vaguely make out the shapes of a couple of people, mid-way through doing something Bam’d rather not know about. He sighed and admitted defeat. He didn’t like the Ball, and he wasn’t even going to both trying to find Ville anymore. He turned, with the intention of going back to the dorm room.

Then he saw Ville.

He saw Ville, pressed against the wall, half-way through a passionate kiss with the blonde-haired Lauri.

That was alot longer when I was writing it. Psht. Don't worry. The Snow Ball is like... nothing. They're not even together yet! *coughs* Anyway, here's a sneak preview of the next chapter, for requiemoflove:

"And Bam became a llama. And Ville died.

The end."

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