Adrift: Finding the path.

Feb 07, 2006 14:14

Yeah, I'm gonna let my Candy Hearts boys rest at least till I finish this fic. LOL, maybe not will see. LOL

Title: Adrift: Finding the path
Author: Amaroqwolf
Rating: pg-13 to Nc-17
Synopsis: Ville meets Bam, but its not the Bam we know and love. Something is seriously wrong here, can Ville catch on before its to late.
A/N: Yet another serious AU. Previous Chapter's behind cut.


Previous chapters:
Chapter 1:


Deron entered the dressing room and studied the gathered guys. Jess was slumped in the chair fiddling with his drum sticks mumbling to himself. He was a weird one but he had a lot of stress in his life he could let it slide. Matt was fiddling with a yo-yo of all things but he looked intent. He smiled fondly as his eyes landed on Chad who was sitting next to Bam, Jess’s little brother and the bands official number one fan, talking to him softly. Bam never spoke, well he had when he was younger but around the age of seven he stopped talking all together.

Chad glanced up then and grinned. “Hey, Deron check this out!” He said waving the singer over.

He walked over and flopped down on the other side of Bam. “What’s up?” He said.

Chad grinned again and handed Bam his guitar. “You can do it Bam-Bam,” Chad said patting the younger man on the arm.

Bam nodded life twinkling in his blue eyes as he looked down his floppy unbrushed hair falling in his face as he slowly began playing. It was slow and halting but it was quite obviously supposed to be the opening notes for Escape from Hellveiw.

Deron smiled brightly. “That’s awesome Bam,” He said grinning. “When did you learn that?” He asked.

Bam shifted uncomfortably and shrugged, Deron could see in his eyes he wanted to talk but something was stopping him from speaking. It was like someone had shoved something into his throat and silenced him forever. Deron sighed softly and smiled. “Its alright Bam, you keep practicing, maybe we can get you a guitar of your own.” He said.

Bam smiled brightly and fingered the strings silently making them hum softly. He nodded softly.

Deron watched him a moment longer then looked at Chad. “Our bus broke down,” He said.

“Again,” Chad whined getting Matt and Jess’s attention.

“Yeah, so we didn’t have a ride to the next gig,” He said slowly.

“Fuck, were screwed.” Matt said shaking his head.

“My thoughts exactly,” Deron supplied. “But as luck would have it, the singer from the other band was out there.

“Ville,” Chad supplied. “What a name,”

“Its Finnish,” Matt said. “I think its supposed to be like there version of William,”

Deron nodded. “Anyway’s he offered to let us ride in his tour bus with him and his band to the next Gig,” He said.

Matt shrugged. “Whatever,” He said and went back to his Yo-Yo. Jess just nodded and continued twirling his drumstick. Deron sighed and looked at Chad. “We have the worlds most enthusiastic band.” He said laughing as Bam smiled at him and patted him on the arm in a comforting manor.

Chad shook his head. “He says its okay buddy,” He smiled.

Deron nodded. “Yep, so I guess we should get ready to go guys,”

Matt and Jess both got to there feet almost simotainiously Deron looked at Bam who was shoving the guitar at Chad as he scrambeled to his feet rapidly. Bam’s attitude towards Jess always bothered him. They were brother’s but Bam acted more like a pet of Jess’s then his little brother. But thats just how some people were right?

He looked at Chad but the guitarist was busy packing away the guitar.

“Lets go then,” He said heading for the door.

The other’s followed him out, he reached out suddenly and pulled Bam up beside him. “Come on Buddy,” He said with a grin. “Walk with me,”

Bam smiled and nodded walking beside him. He was skittish as hell though which was Sad. They reached the huge HIM tour bus to see Ville standing there waiting.

“I was starting to wonder if you guys were coming,” He said cooly.

Deron smiled. “Sorry, had to explain everything to them,” He said shrugging.

“Its alright,” Ville smiled. “Lets hit the road, will make interductions on the bus.”
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