Chapter 11

Jan 30, 2006 01:38

Miss me? LoL! I've been MIA because of work of stuff. But as of right now, I've been up since 3am (stupid 4am work shifts) and it is now almost 2am the next day. So after a very busy, none stop long day I have managed to push that all aside and write a new chapter. So being up from almost 23 hours, I will warn you that this might be a little off. Oh well. READ and ENJOY!

Title: Between Reality and Dreams
Paring: Vam (of course)
Summary: When something goes wrong, one might not know the difference between reality and dreams.
Disclaimer: Don't own them, unless there is something I do not know. And never happened

Prologue - Chapter 10:

Chapter 11

Ville smirked at his words. “They can go a day without me.” he answered swiftly as he made a small waving gesture with his hand. “Now, where should we start?”

At Ville’s question, Bam’s gaze quickly found the fabric of the couch very interesting and he lazily began to trace the patterns with his index finger. How were you suppose to ask someone questions to things that you should already know? It felt like this time did not even exist in his mind. However, he knew Ville was still watching him and he knew he should at least say something. “Why aren’t you in Finland?” he finally questioned, never bringing his gaze upwards.

Ville had hesitated for a split second. “That is an easy one. I left at twenty and haven’t been there since.”

“Why?” Bam asked quickly, sort of in a debate discussion tone as his head instantly shot up to look at the man. For some reason, all his mind wanted to think was that Ville belonged in Finland; not here.

“I needed a change of scenery I guess. Something new.” Ville answered with a light shrug.

Bam fell silent as he began to ponder another question. “Riley’s mother. Where is she?” he asked in a softer tone, thinking it would be a touchy subject.

“It started as a one night thing.” Ville slowly began to explain his answer. “Then she got pregnant and tried to start an actual relationship, but nothing was there between the two of us. So once she had Riley, she dropped her off at my doorstep and left. I know mainly because she couldn’t give up her partying life for a child.” he finished as he mumbled out his last words. “3 years ago and I haven’t heard for her since.” he added as he gave a little wave of his hand.

‘3 years? When did I come into the picture?’ Bam questioned himself as he watched Ville intently. “So is that another reason why you don’t sing?” he asked before he could stop himself. As the words left his mouth, for some reason he had quickly regretted saying them. It felt wrong to talk about, but he wasn’t able to stop himself from asking. Ville only remained quiet to the question. “Ville?” Bam found himself saying the man’s name softly and carefully.

Ville only climbed to his feet and turned his back to Bam. “I’d rather not bring up this topic again.” he mumbled as he crossed his arms in front of his chest.

Bam couldn’t pull himself to react in any way except for stunned silence. Not only was he silent, but he also did not know what to say. His gaze just stayed on Ville’s back as the word ‘again’ repeated in his head. So the two of them have had this discussion and obviously it was a touchy subject to him.

“Are you still planning on visiting Dunn today? He should be down at the shop by now.” Ville’s voice snapped him from his thoughts as he sensed Ville trying to change the subject.

“Huh? Oh, yeah sure.” Bam answered softly before he watched Ville walk away from him, once he finished his answer. Even after Ville had left the room, he remained in his spot on the couch. After what seemed like a couple of minutes, Bam removed himself from the couch. He wasn’t going to force Ville to talk about something that he obviously did not want to talk about. Before he knew it, he was in his car and on the way to the auto-shop. It seemed that if he did not think about it, his mind and body appeared to know what they were doing. However, as he tried to recall on how he knew it, he just continued to draw a blank.

Once at the auto-shop, he had found a spot to park his car before climbing out of it. After pocketing his keys, he entered the building in search of his friend. Although it did not take long before he did find him. “I was wondering when you were going to show up.” Dunn’s voice reached his ears, hearing the joking tone it held as well. “Let me guess. Ville kept you later then usual?” he added with a smirk upon his face.

Bam shook his head at his friend as he stepped up to the car he was messing up. Dunn, who was still leaning under the hood of the car, was half paying attention to what he was doing and the other half of his attention was on his friend. “Actually, we had a little disagreement I guess you can call it.” Bam replied with a shrug of his shoulders. Dunn just gave off a nod in understanding. Silence then began to grow between the two. “Ryan. What would you’re opinion on me and Ville be?”

So whatcha think? Like? Love? Hate? Anything? Sorry about the shortness in size, but now it is time for me to go get some sleep, but don't worry. I have the next three days more updates to come! *smiles* But please feed me back with comments, suggestions, opinions. Which ever you may choose. *BIG HUGS to everyone*

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