59-60 (Geektastic and Linger)

Aug 10, 2010 20:13


59. Geektastic: Stories from the Nerd Herd - Black, Holly, and Castellucci, Cecil
60. Linger (sequel to Shiver)- Stiefvater, Maggie

HOLY HELL, Geektastic: Stories from the Nerd Herd (great title, dreadful subtitle) was really and truly awful. I liked Holly Black's modern fairy tale series (starting with Tithe), and it includes stories from other authors I like, including M.T. Anderson, Cassandra Clare, and Scott Westerfield. Plus, there's a comic between stories, half illustrated by Scott Pilgrim's Bryan Lee O'Malley(!) and half by Hope Larson (who is supposedly adapting A Wrinkle in Time to a graphic novel). So I was seriously excited about this collection. But it just made me angry, angry, angry. You know how sitcom writers and general fiction authors and high school boys like to make fun of nerds and geeks with grossly exaggerated and overly simplified stereotypes? Apparently the self-professed geeks who wrote these short stories think they're right. I wanted to shoot pretty much every author who contributed to this book.

Linger, on the other hand, was pretty good. It was less cohesive than Shiver and it was a little hard to follow. I liked it anyway, but I hope it's just middle-book syndrome and that it's setting things up for a much better third book.

gaming, young adult, werewolves, short stories, graphic novel, unimpressed

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