I still can't get over these riots over the "offensive" cartoons. I dont understand what the rioters hope to accomplish by burning down buildings. I mean, doesn't this just support or even further the very stereotypes that they're protesting against? I don't know, it just seems that the publication of crudely drawn politiaclly incorrect cartoons is
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What is it about life that is so depressing? Why am I such an emotional mess? Why does it seem that the entire earthly existence is always in a state of chaos? Why are people burning down buildings over a few cartoons? Why is it 4:46 AM and I can't sleep? Why can't I get these thoughts out of my head? Why am I typing it in a silly internet blog?
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The Flame Throwers are AMAZING. They sound exactly like whoever they want to sound like, I mean, here's a little sampling of their set list tonight
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it sux when you try to eat healthy and the whole apartment smells like brownies and cookies because apparently your roommate like to bake stuff and then not eat it. blahness. I only have so much willpower and she's really pushing it. haha
Wow, it's been forever since i last posted. Probly cuz I don't really have much to say. Nothing of any consequence at least. But, at Lena's insistence, here I am, once again, posting
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Here's the LSU campus volunteer hotline: 225-578-7688
4-hr shifts, anything from working the telephones to nurses aid. CAll if you're in BR and can volunteer! In light of all the grim rumors about what's going on, let's do whatever good we can and help out. VOLUNTEER!!!