Hitsugaya x Hinamori [BLEACH] set beta.

Feb 23, 2007 17:17

Fandom: Bleach
Pairing: Hitsugaya Toushirou x Hinamori Momo
(With a bit of Matsumoto in there.)
Themeset: Beta
Rating: PG-ish.

This is my first attempt to do this. Oh, how hard it was.
Fandom: Bleach
Pairing: Hitsugaya Toushirou x Hinamori Momo
(With a bit of Matsumoto in there.)
Themeset: Beta
Rating: PG-ish
#01 - Walking
She realized everytime she took a step forward, Hitsugaya was always behind her.

#02 - Waltz
Both of their movements together flowed, making the other shinigami stand in awe, for it was like watching fire melting away with ice.

#03 - Wishes
He'd always wish that she would open her eyes to his feelings.

#04 - Wonder
Everyday, Hinamori wonders why Hitsugaya had tried to protect her that day, when he risked his own life and almost lost it; Hitsugaya had never told her the reason.

#05 - Worry
Hitsugaya visited her daily because didn't want her to fall into the wrong hands again; he didn't want her to see her in pieces.

#06 - Whimsy
Hitsugaya smirked as he saw Hinamori twirl around and giggle in whimsy; he didn't mind watching instead of signing papers.

#07 - Waste/Wasteland
"No, Hitsugaya-kun!" Hinamori grabbed the piece of chocolate from him before he threw it away. "I'll just eat it myself!"

#08 - Whiskey and rum
Hinamori tasted the rum on his lips as he captured hers once again, more passionately that the one before. "You're mine."

#09 - War
"Will you kill Aizen?" Hinamori had asked, which resulted in Hitsugaya slamming the door and leaving without a goodbye.

#10 - Weddings
That day, Hinamori had caught the bouquet, and Hitsugaya had caught the garter; they were both seen blushing furiously.

#11 - Birthday
She and Matsumoto had surprised him that day when he entered his office; it was covered in a blanket of snow, and Hitsugaya was definitely surprised.

#12 - Blessing
"I'd think the greatest thing in my life was meeting you, Hitsugaya-kun."

#13 - Bias
His lips formed into a horizontal line as she played with his hair, commenting that it obviously didn't seem natural -- "Want to test that theory?"

#14 - Burning
It was his burning desire to take revenge on his loved one, and destroy the one who had ruined her life and shattered it into pieces.

#15 - Breathing
She felt his breath on her lips as he closed the gap between them.

#16 - Horizon
Matsumoto glanced at the shorter girl as they gazed over the horizon. "You're obviously denying your feelings, Hina-chan - go tell him you're in love with him already! I'm sure our little Shirou-chan will be glad."

#17 - Belief
Hinamori told him that if he wanted something- or someone perhaps- with all his heart, he should work for it with all his heart. He believed that; he really wanted her.

#18 - Balloon
The both let it go together, hands clasped together, wishing that their past could fly away with it; never to be seen again.

#19 - Balcony
They stood there together, Hinamori leaning on his shoulder, he was taller now, as they quietly remembered what had happened all those years before.

#20 - Bane
She had thought that she was the bane of his existence, causing him to go into trouble deeper than before.

#21 - Quiet
She stood there quietly, tiptoeing directly up to Hitsugaya's face, a smile plastered on hers. "I love you!"

#22 - Quirks
He always liked the way Hinamori always knew what to say to make him fall in love with her again.

#23 - Question
"Hitsugaya, do you love me?" Hinamori asked him one day, causing him to spit his drink out.

#24 - Quarrel
Their voices echoed throughout Seretei, and the Matsumoto could only laugh at their innocence. "They're in love, neh?"

#25 - Quitting
Everytime Hitsugaya felt that he should give up, the support of Hinamori pulled him through, even through the hardest of tasks.

#26 - Jump
"Don't worry, I'll catch you!" Hitsugaya called out to her, and she believed that.

#27 - Jester
He had tried to cheer her up with his jokes, but the mistakes he had made telling it were the cause of her laughter.

#28 - Jousting
Hitsugaya held his sword out in front of him, eyeing his prey. "This is for Hinamori, you bastard."

#29 - Jewel
She had always thought that sapphire matched her eyes; he thought so too.

#30 - Just
It was just a matter of time; they would eventually fall in love in the end, just like a fairy tale.

#31 - Smirk
After Hitsugaya had pulled away from Hinamori, he swore he could hear Matsumoto and his other subordinates laughing in a distance.

#32 - Sorrow
The sorrow that Hinamori had caused Hinamori caused her to feel a new emotion that wasn't love, joy, or peace; it was guilt.

#33 - Stupidity
Hinamori had once accidentally thought that Hitsugaya was on a date, purposely spilling her juice all over her, only to find out she was just tending to his wounds. "Oops?"

#34 - Serenade
He didn't know it, but when he sang to her while she was thought to be fast asleep, Hinamori secretly kept an eye open.

#35 - Sarcasm
"No, Hinamori, I don't like you," Hitsugaya remarked at the pouting Hinamori. "I love you."

#36 - Sordid
Hitsugaya took a look at the food Hinamori had made, and commenting her with a: "Is that supposed to be dirt?"

#37 - Soliloquy
Hitsugaya enjoyed his alone time in his office toying around with the box of pens Hinamori had given to him the day before.

#38 - Sojourn
Hinamori knew that Hitsugaya was returning to earth soon on a mission, so she said goodbye with a peck on the cheek; everyone who saw them that day wondered why they were blushing madly.

#39 - Share
They had shared a moment together; Hinamori resting her head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat.

#40 - Solitary
When Hinamori spent some time alone, she always wondered what went on around in Hitsugaya's mind; she didn't know it was about her.

#41 - Nowhere
It was out of nowhere; Hitsugaya had pulled Hinamori into a warm, enveloping hug, thankful that she hadn't died.

#42 - Neutral
Sometimes, when they both had free time, they spent it together quietly watching clouds, instead of bickering over the usual nonsense.

#43 - Nuance
Hinamori gave him countless hints on her feelings to him; and Hitsugaya thought she was the one dense.

#44 - Near
Hitsugaya had expected her to appear out of nowhere that day; he was always right. "Hitsugaya-kuuun!"

#45 - Natural
It was only natural that he would protect her, even though the price would eventually be death.

#46 - Valiant
He was the prince on his noble steed, she was the beautiful princess locked in the darkness waiting for him; he was the only one that could.

#47 - Virtuous
It was not a duty to defeat Aizen, it was his goal; he thought that it would lift Hinamori's spirits in the process.

#48 - Defeat
Hinamori watched in terror as her snow-white angel was stained red, falling onto the floor.

#49 - Breaking
Her heart broke as she heard the news about Hitsugaya. "He didn't make it."

#50 - Victory
It was bittersweet; she had lost him in battle, all because he had tried to protect her.

bleach, !set beta

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