I dropped a bottle of ammonia in my room. Of course it busted open. I have several aquariums in my room. Should I do a major water change as a preventative measure?
All of my fish have been given away to my old LFS. There was no space left in the moving van for the aquariums, so they are still with my dad. My boyfriend and I have been living in our new place for a month, fishless
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I crossposted this to a forum about oscar fish, but the site seems to be based in the UK so I thought I'd try here too just to get some variety of responses, if I get any
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I was wondering if the water from my dehumidifier was safe to use in the fish tank. Seems like I've heard somewhere of people doing this. But I cannot remember where. Any clue? And if I can use it, I'd imagine I'll have to add some buffers or something to it to help make the water stable.
I've posted a few times in the past, mostly about algae problems. Those seem to be fine when I remember my tank's daily Flourish dose, but that's not why I'm here
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