Fic: Sleeping Beauty

Feb 03, 2009 22:19

Title: Sleeping Beauty
Author: Erin (erinm_4600)
Characters: DG, Cain and an OC
Rating: PG
Summary: The princess of the Outer Zone can't sleep...
Warning: post-series, pre- First Date *Written for tinman100's Challenge 19. LONG LIVE tinman100!!
Disclaimer: The original characters belong to L. Frank Baum and their respective actors. The current characters belong to Sci-Fi, the movie folks and their respective actors. The OCs are mine.

Sleeping Beauty | Dark to Light, Part I | First Date | Found | It's Just a Book... | Wake-up Call | Birthday Present

Leigh was a big girl. She was a whole five annuals and she wasn't a baby. Even though mommy and daddy both called her "Baby", she wasn’t one.

She could run fast and get into her own chair and put on her own shoes and even write her whole name.

Well, she still couldn't get the "Princess" part right.

She wasn't afraid of the dark. Daddy told her that the dark was for the light to hide so it didn't wake her up.

The clicking sound, though, was new.

And mommy and daddy were all the way down the hall.


Wyatt Cain pressed a kiss to DG's shoulder and pulled her close as he tried to let his brain slow down for the evening. She smelled like vanilla and Cain realized that his brain, though not thinking about the meeting the next day, was having trouble thinking of anything but that spot on her neck that he loved.

DG smiled and turned, also thinking about the same spot. A few seconds after Cain's lips touched her skin, there was a quiet knock on the door. Cain groaned and DG laughed.

"She came all the way down here. Must be important."


"Leigh?" she called out after giving him an apologetic kiss. The door opened slightly and DG saw her little girl. "You okay, kiddo?" she asked, waving Leigh in. She nudged Cain at the sight of embarrassment on their daughter's face.

Leigh moved all the way over to the side of the bed and looked everywhere but at her parents. "There was a sound," she whispered. DG reached for Leigh's chin, lifting it slightly.

"What kind of sound, sweetie?" Leigh shrugged.

"Was it a thump or a whistle?" Cain asked.

"Sounded like Mommy's shoes." Cain and DG looked at each other.


Cain pushed back the covers and hauled himself out of the bed. Moving around the bed, he gave Leigh a grin and swiftly picked her up, dropping her into the spot he'd just been in. "You two stay here, I'll go take a look," he said as DG pulled the covers back. As he disappeared into the hallway, DG looked down to her daughter.

"Don't you worry, kiddo. If there's anything in your room, Daddy'll knock 'em all the way to Finaqua." Leigh curled against her mother and DG pressed a kiss to the girl's hair.

"How 'bout a story?"


"...and the prince traveled all the way across the kingdom to the castle, to see if he could wake up the princess," DG said, her voice getting quieter with each sentence. "And she was just as beautiful as he'd been told." Leigh was exhausted when she'd come to her parents' room, so she didn't make it much longer once Cain put her in the bed. DG was beginning to wonder if Cain was coming back when he finally appeared. He moved over to the bed and gave his now-sleeping daughter a look.

"Tree's finally grown enough; branches tap the window."


Cain reached over DG and picked Leigh up. "I'll cut it back in the morning."

"I don't want you up a ladder, mister," DG whispered. Cain rolled his eyes and turned back to the door.

"Be right back," he said, then turned back. "We'll continue this discussion," he added with a wink. DG smiled and a few minutes later, Cain was back and crawling under the covers on DG's side of the bed.

"One of these days, she's gonna stay up long enough, you'll have to take the story all the way to the end," he teased, kissing DG's collarbone.

~challenge, .tinman100, ~drabble, fic: tin man, series: queen leigh

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