Fic: Ladies' Man

May 26, 2015 13:26

Title: Ladies' Man
Author: Erin (erinm_4600)
Characters, Pairing: Wyatt, Adora, Thomas (mention of Isaac)
Rating: PG (post-implied hanky-panky)
Summary: for one who thought he had everything figured out, there's one thing Wyatt doesn't know how to do
Warning: pre-series, Tin Man!Adora 'verse, the morning after Perfect Storm, Part I *Written for the This is Read more... )

~challenge, series: tin man!adora, .writerverse, fic: tin man

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Comments 2

moony_blues May 27 2015, 22:32:45 UTC
Embarrased!Cain is flipping adorable!


erinm_4600 May 27 2015, 22:38:36 UTC
♥ I need to get Steve to focus, so I can get to the follow-up. Because that's kinda hilarious ((in my opinion, anyway))


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