Fic: Ladies' Man

May 26, 2015 13:26

Title: Ladies' Man
Author: Erin (erinm_4600)
Characters, Pairing: Wyatt, Adora, Thomas (mention of Isaac)
Rating: PG (post-implied hanky-panky)
Summary: for one who thought he had everything figured out, there's one thing Wyatt doesn't know how to do
Warning: pre-series, Tin Man!Adora 'verse, the morning after Perfect Storm, Part I *Written for the This is How It Ends challenge at writerverse
Disclaimer: The original characters belong to L. Frank Baum and their respective actors. The current characters belong to Sci-Fi, the movie folks and their respective actors. The OCs are mine.

Wyatt Cain opened his eyes - well, one of them - and a sigh escaped. The back room of the jailhouse was bright, telling him that the storm clouds from the night before had clearly moved through.

Last night...

All at once, a rush of memories of the previous evening came at him. The clouds building at lunch; the static in the air as the evening progressed; Adora's insistence on running off, into the woods, just before first sunset and then her return, just as the skies opened; the storm bearing down, outside; and, the storm brewing, inside.

He didn't move, continuing to stare at the ceiling, but his eyes drifted slightly to his right, where Adora was facing away from him.

Yep. Last night happened.

Wyatt traced the line of her bare shoulder, noting the small freckle just over her shoulderblade. Before he could even consider placing a light kiss on the spot, there was a thumping at the door.

His eyes went wide, but Adora didn't move.

"Mister Wyatt!" he heard a child calling. "Mister Wyatt!" Quickly, Wyatt threw the blanket back and swung his legs over the side of the cot. Standing, he had to move a few steps to get to his shirt and pants, and realized he was glad there was very little use for the few cells. Some drunk might have had a good show, with him standing there, naked as the day he was born, and trying to figure out how the sleeves of his shirt had become so twisted up.

There was another bang, which Wyatt made a face at as he finally pulled the shirt over his head. Slipping a leg into the pants, he glanced over to Adora, who still hadn't budged, and pulled the pants up in a swift motion, already stepping into the front area of the jailhouse.

Opening the door just enough to see who was calling him, Wyatt winced at the overwhelming brightness and glanced down at the boy standing on the porch. "Thomas," he nodded to his visitor.

"Mister Wyatt," Thomas started, quite excited, "a tree felled on Mister Isaac's barn and my daddy telled me to come tell you 'cause they need help from all the grow-dups." Wyatt smiled at the boy's broken words, and nodded.

"Let me find my boots, okay? I'll be right there." Thomas nodded and ran off, hopping off the porch and heading across the street, to the general store. Wyatt shook his head again and pulled the door shut. He moved back through the jailhouse and stopped, seeing Adora sitting on the side of the cot, already dressed, and lacing up her boots.

"Uh.. hi," he managed, suddenly feeling awkward.

"So," Adora replied, leaning to grab one of his boots and tossing it at him, "a tree, huh?" Wyatt caught the boot against his chest and made a face. This wasn't going the way he'd expected it to, but he then realized he didn't actually know how this should go.

"Uh... yeah," he finally replied, and moved to sit in a nearby chair. Adora quickly laced her other boot and pushed off the cot. Her jacket was still by the desk, but a quick hand to her head made Adora realize her hair was a mess. While she tried to rake fingers through it, she watched Wyatt's reflection in the mirror.

Wyatt managed to pull his boot on, and the other, but hadn't tied either, yet. Instead, he was staring at the wall, trying to think of anything to say.

Adora turned and moved over to him. "What kind of Tin Man can't tie his own shoes?" she asked, glancing up just enough to catch his eye. "Gonna have to do everything for you, aren't I?" As she pushed up, having tied both his boots with the practiced ease of helping a townful of children tie their shoes, Adora bent at the waist and gave Wyatt a deep kiss.

His brain was mush, at that point. It was going to take a while to figure out what she meant by that, but her voice snapped him back. "Come on, Tin Man," she nodded to him, pulling her jacket on. "We've got a barn to save." She held up his jacket and nodded for him to join her.

Wyatt stood up and moved to her side, but said nothing as she helped him into his jacket. Right now, he couldn't think of anything to say.

He'd come up with something later.

~challenge, series: tin man!adora, .writerverse, fic: tin man

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