Picspam/Fic: CSI/Sesame Street/NCIS

May 24, 2015 20:44

for the Love Child challenge at tvrealm

more from the way-late crossposting...

Gil moved around the kitchen with a practiced ease and little Abigail watched from the table. Her eyes were bright and the smirk she inherited from her father was clear. He glanced up from the frying pan, giving the Kindergartner a wink as birthday breakfast finished up.

Movement out of the corner of his eye caused Gil to look toward the doorway and he made a face at the sight of Linda in her bathrobe, fighting a pre-coffee yawn. Abby turned around in her seat and made a face as she threw her hands in the hair.

Mommy! You are messin' up the surprise! she signed as she climbed from the chair and ran for her mother. Little hands pushed against adult legs as Abby called out to her father: "Daddy! Make Mommy go back upstairs!"

Linda glanced down at the pressure of her daughter's hands and smiled, then glanced at her husband, who was giving her a stern look as he moved the frying pan off the burner. She's been planning for this all week, you know, he quickly signed before turning to get the toast.

Linda glanced down at Abby, who was on the verge of tears, and frowned. She leaned down and hauled the five-year-old into her arms, then hugged and kissed her daughter. Pulling one hand away, Linda signed love and Thank you to Abby and kissed her temple again.

+ caps via GoogleImages, with thanks

.tvrealm, fic: sesame street, fic: ncis, fic: csi, ~challenge, graphics: ncis, graphics: random, graphics: csi, ~picspam

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