Nov 03, 2010 15:37
Looks like I'm taking a brief respite from Death by Midterms to talk about the elections last night. The way I see it, there were only two major tragedies that resulted: Russ Feingold, apparently one of the rare congressmen who still had a shred of integrity left, losing to a rich but idiotic Teatard who seems to have no redeeming qualities other than having an R after his name and the ability to effectively buy the election. And prop 19 failing in California. A little less flower power and a little more realism and focus on the prohibitionary aspect of pot illegalization next time, forbid someone ever try to pass a law legalizing zoophilia! If something as illogically illegal as pot can't be legalized by the general public, don't expect that getting mounted by Fido is going to be a-okay for the next millennium or so.
Other than that, it was pretty much a series of contests between Dumb and Dumber. One house controlled by each party--seems we'll get the best (or more likely, the worst) of both worlds, and maybe we'll even see a bit of bipartisanship*coughbullshitcough* in the future...
As for me: I'm really looking forward to getting to the weekend, hopefully with my grades intact. One of my professors was merciful enough to move an assignment to next week, which may well save my sanity!
The weather remains nice, and warmer than I would've expected! I'm sure winter will set in here sometime or other, though...
It looks like I will be on campus over spring break, so winter break (and a short trip during Thanksgiving) will likely be my only chances to travel out of state for a while. I'll likely end up going back East at some point over the new year, but I'm not sure exactly when (or if) yet.
And my knee is being stupid again. Now, there actually is a bit of pain, and it's swelled up again. Lame...
Anyway, back to stress, studying, and sleep deprivation... :-(