Nov 12, 2009 00:27
Was going to post earlier, but apparently Firefox hates me. See if I have better luck with Opera...
Girlfriend stuff: we've decided to go our separate ways, at least for the time being. The decision can mostly be chalked up to the long-distance issue, or at least that's what I've told most people. Another big part of it was my decision that I'd rather hurt her a little now, than a lot somewhat further down the line if she were to find out I'm zoo. Also, I realized that I'd never be happy with a human, long-term. So yeah, a little disappointed, but it's probably for the best.
Job stuff: now that I can technically go and look for a job in the fields I want to, turns out--surprise!--there's not much there. I'll pursue the few options I might have, but I'm not too optimistic. In the meantime, am looking at two part-time possibilities: a very local job in the neighborhood, tangentially related to what I wanted to do, and another job that I consider the mental equivalent of minimum-wage (though it would pay better than that, I believe). In the latter case, I won't know for sure until a month or so from now.
Family stuff: my stepdad's still insufferable a lot of the time. His daughter came to visit last week, along with her infant son. It was good to see her again, and more so to realize she's matured quite a bit since I last saw her several years ago. She now seems devoted to being a good mother, and is much less self-centered and vain than she was back then. Good for her...
In about a week, his son (who I also haven't seen in years) is coming to visit. I don't think any of us are looking as forward to that one.
A cousin of mine might be joining the army. Random...
I'm also trying to convince my dad to come fly out from the east coast to visit me here sometime around Christmas. I think it'd be a nice change of scenery for him, and with my girlfriend now out of the picture I'm less inclined to want to fly there myself. As he's effectively working a minimum-wage job, I've offered to chip in for flights. Now for the difficult quest to find relatively cheap airfare over the holiday season..!
Zoo stuff: with a bit of luck, I just miiiiight be meeting another zoo in person in a few months! A bit more on this, perhaps, in coming weeks...
Hiking stuff: might be doing a mountain this weekend I've been wanting to do, assuming there isn't too much snow...other forces may conspire to prevent it though. I thought about doing a hike tomorrow to readjust my sleep schedule, but I'm just not feeling it...I also have quasi-tentative plans to go on a several-day hiking/backpacking trip a few people have organized, which would take place later this month. I'll most likely be off the grid during that time, so don't worry if you haven't heard from me then. I am rather anxiously awaiting for the return of my tent from the parents of my friend in SoCal, which brings me to...
Friend stuff: that friend is still in the hospital, and likely to remain there for a few months yet. I haven't been able to talk to him since those few occasions a few weeks ago, and our mutual friend from Boston never got through to him either. That friend may, however, be coming out to visit as well (probably in December). It'll be good to see someone familiar...
Random stuff: saw the notorious movie Happiness, which is edgy but surprisingly well-made. Subject matter will probably make you uncomfortable, but hey, if you're reading this blog I think you can handle it! Overall, it's basically an edgier American Beauty.
Progress is being made with Lord of the Rings, now in the second half of The Two Towers.
Am trying to get back into the learning Spanish thing too, as I've had a hiatus of a month or so. I remain wary of dealing with my stepdad though...
Still having a general sense of melancholy, which I'm beginning to think is a part of me that's omnipresent but can momentarily be staved off...however, there's little at present that can do the staving. Maybe it's the colder, shorter days of winter approaching, or the feeling my plans are proving somewhat fruitless. Who just feels like there's something I've been missing, but it's something I've never had.