
May 20, 2015 21:41

Today has been nice and productive. Yay!

☆ Worked on some driving today. Mum says I'm coming along rather well. That's good. But I do need more practice - especially the bane of my existence: Left turns at busy intersections where the lights don't have a left-advance. So much hate, ugh. But, I can work on that.

☆ I went for a run and I feel good. Yay! Leading up to it, I always feel like "Ugh, I don't want to do this". And even after it, I usually feel like "Ugh, I wanted to use that time for something else". ... But, it still feels good, so.

☆ Worked on some Norwegian today. I've been neglecting it for weeks. My grammar skills were nothing impressive before. Now they have seriously deteriorated. BUT... well, I'll take it one sentence at a time. Still going to be a while before this letter is finished - I love writing to my study partner, because she's so fun to talk to, but the downside of it is that the replies don't come quickly because 1. it's in Norwegian and 2. I get so chatty and the letters keep getting longer... whoops.

☆ Work is going well. I'm keeping up with things. Not sure what the state of the backlog will be before I leave, but I have a couple of weeks to put it all together. Concentration has been smooth sailing because I realized earlier this week that I have a ton of episodes of News From Lake Wobegon to catch up on, as I haven't listened to it in months, so I've been going through that. It's nice. There are a lot of things about those stories that I identify with - the people in that small town remind me a lot of my mother's side of the family. So, it's comforting. And sometimes a little painful when it hits close to home, but that can be good too. And there's such a comfortable atmosphere about it, the sort of atmosphere that I try to channel in my writing a lot of the time, so it's nice to get that from a different source than what I would usually turn to.

☆ Going to have to start working in the garden on the weekends, I think. I don't particularly want to - I actually don't enjoy it very much, and there are usually other things that I'd rather be doing - but mum has started putting things together, now that we probably won't get any more nights below 0C (probably). So, I should do some of it so that she doesn't have to. But I'll have to take a look - it's a big job because our garden is huge, but she's very particular about Things Getting Done Right, but of course if you offer help she'll refuse it, and she won't very well tell you what needs to be done if you ask what needs to be done, so. Uh. I guess I'll have to figure it out somehow.

This entry was originally posted at http://yuuago.dreamwidth.org/3394926.html. You can comment here or at the original entry.

a prairie home companion, work, languages, driving, family, life

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