Reading Wednesday

May 20, 2015 05:47

Finished reading: Sourcery by Terry Pratchett. I said in my last reading update that I was feeling bad for Coin... well, I ended up feeling worse for him, poor kid. But the solution that he came to at the end was a good thing. Two other things: Firstly, I really love the Librarian in this novel. He's appeared in some of the earlier ones, but I feel like this is the novel where Pratchett really decided what he would do with him and what kind of person he is. Well, ape, not person, but you know. Secondly, I really love how incredibly brave Rincewind can be when he has to be. Everything toward the end of the novel is so much that, and it's wonderful.

Currently reading: A Man Called Intrepid by William Stevenson. It's the story of Sir William Stephenson, a Canadian agent codenamed Intrepid, and the spy network he founded which did great service to the Allies during WWII. This particular book was written during the '70s, and there have probably been others written since then that are very good, and probably more accurate in some regards, though when it comes to the lives of secret agents, it's always tricky - there are things that are, by necessity, held back. But, anyway. This was a Christmas gift, and I'm only getting down to it. I must say, it's fascinating, and very engaging. I... regret to say that I've read very little about Canadians during WWII in general; mostly I've been more focused on our contributions during the First World War. But it seems like this is a decent place to start!

Reading next: I have no idea. Wyrd Sisters is next on my Terry Pratchett to-do list, so it'll probably be that. But it might be something else - Ursula Vernon just released another novel, so I might read that. And I still have more Pat Cadigan stuff that I haven't had time to get to.

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