Oh snap, I'm going to have to start going to bed super early again

May 21, 2012 19:07

The last few days have been busy as hell. At the same time, I haven't physically done anything, so saying that feels pretty strange.

Fest's up and organized. We've got twenty people in this so far, and considering signups have only been open for a few days, that's promising. Right now I'm at the "putting prompt lists together" stage. It's going not too badly, but I will not lie, I will be glad when this particular part is over. ;p

Been going through the stuff that I haven't commented on yet from the Nordic fest, and doing that. Fucking finally. It shouldn't have taken me this long. I'm not quite done, but I almost am, and then it will be DONE and I'll get to close all those tabs, yessss.

I've come to the conclusion that I like putting these things together. It takes a lot of energy, but at the end, it has the result of bringing people together to do something fun, and that's cool. I'm not surprised that it took me so long to find this out, though. Generally I'm the kind of person who doesn't really like taking the initiative to put things together. It tends to be stressful and always ends up more complicated than it looks. But with small fests like this, well, it's no problem. Even if a small wrinkle shows up (like the need to extend the writing time with the previous one) it's no big deal. There's always some way to work it out.

Anyway. The fic I've been working on is going pretty well, though it's gotten much longer than I expected. And I've kind of hit that wall where nothing that I write sounds right, and I keep getting annoyed because I want to breeze through this scene but it makes more sense to have the characters keep talking and it's just, argh, annoying. I swear I'll probably end up cutting out 2k words when I do the final edit. But it's fun to have a challenge like this, anyway.

Oh gods, my first day of work is tomorrow, and I will not lie, I'm feeling a little nervous. I'm sure it'll be fine - hell, nothing even happens on the first day - but doing new things is always so stressful for me, ahhhghlkdjfkdf.

eastern eurofunk, writing, work, fanwork-fest

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