Guess how many cups of coffee I've had tday

May 23, 2012 20:08

Here's the verdict on my work so far: Reasonable get-up time, reasonable get-home time. And I get weekends! They seem to be on a rotation of 8-hour days for one five-day workweek, 10-hour days the next week. That's kind of weird, but compared to the "ten-hour workdays for ten days, then four days off" thing I had going before, I think I'll like this better.

Mind you, I still have no idea what my job actually is, but I guess I'll figure out eventually. (That's the beauty of the oil sands/construction industry. Nobody knows what the fuck they're doing.)

Finally finished reading and commenting on all the Nordicfest entries last night. I promised someone on the anonmeme that I'd put up a journal entry of personal favourites; guess I'll do that on the weekend. I'll probably set it at "stuff I liked and would read again", that always works.

Anyway, now that I've finished that, I can finally throw myself completely into Eurofunk. I haven't been as with-it and on the ball as I should be; I should have been putting together prompts the last few days. Ach. Well, I'll do a few tonight, a few tomorrow... It'll get done. We've already had about 25 people sign up, which is pretty good! I'll probably put up another advertisement on Tumblr tomorrow or something. I have no idea what size this thing will end up being, but it should be interesting.

Gah... A friend is doing the amazing favour of sending me a cross hairclip (yeah, like Norway's. I don't care if it's nerdy, I need this in my life) and I don't know how to thank her. I'll probably end up writing a fic of some kind, but I don't know what. She loves Norway/Netherlands - and so do I; good gods, I have so many feelings about that pairing and some day I'll come up with a really awesome idea for it, I swear - but Netherlands is such a pain in the ass to write. Maybe some Norway & Denmark gen instead... ach, I dunno. I'll have to think about it. Hmm. 8|a (Pfft, it's a good thing she doesn't read this journal)

Regardless, it means I should really work on finishing this other fic - I worry that if I don't get it drafted before I start anything else, then it'll never get done, and that would be terrible.

eastern eurofunk, hetalia, writing, work, friends, fanwork-fest, nordipalooza

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