If I send my thoughts, do you feel them somehow?

May 28, 2012 21:50

I'm tired, so y'all get point-form notes.

✿ Work's going well. On the second day I was having major second-thoughts because that day did not go well at all and I came home rather upset, but... for the most part, it's been fine. It's still too early to tell whether I'm cut out for this job or not, but on the upside, I'm learning a lot. It's been ages since I've done anything with a database program, and I'm really loving it.

✿ Going to have to work like hell to get everything ready to send prompts out. Urgh. I'm doing ten-hour days this week, which means that from 6 AM to 7 PM I'm either at work or in transit to and from. Going to really have to crunch time to get things done, but it's manageable - even if having prompts out on the 31st means that they'll go out rather... late... on that day. But I'll do my best not to let that happen. Well, when you get right down to it, on the hour-long bus ride out to my job at 6 AM, I really have nothing better to do than think up fest prompts. And I need to re-train myself to write in vehicles anyway.

✿ From the sound of it, someone else is thinking about holding a Nordic fest in the summer. If they do end up deciding to do it, then there won't be a summer edition of Nordipalooza, and that's fine by me. It'll be nice to participate in a fest without hosting it. I'll just move it to autumn. Maybe late autumn. I don't think there will be a Nordic christmas exchange this year - there wasn't last year - so it'll be nice to have a Nordic event late in the year, even if it isn't an exchange, right?

✿ Tried reading some Norwegian newspaper articles while on lunch, and was pleasantly surprised by how much I was able to piece together. Considering I haven't done any actual studying in... a couple've months... I'm pleased. But I really should get back to doing that again. (Not like I have a ton of free time, but y'know, whatever. I'll figure something out.)

✿ Eurovision was... Eurovision. What can I say. Heh. I'm happy Sweden won, and a lot of the other songs are growing on me. Kind've disappointed that Norway's song placed last - it definitely wasn't the worst of the lot - but at the same time it's kind of funny, and gave people in my roleplay group reason to snark at Norway, so it's all good.

✿ Finally getting around to reading Anansi Boys. Should be interesting. I enjoyed American Gods even though a lot of it went over my head because I didn't know the mythology. This one, well, I love Anansi stories, so I'm looking forward to it. Haven't gotten very far into it yet, but already it's pretty good.

... Urgh, I should do some fest things and then roll off to bed. So tired.

eastern eurofunk, work, reading, languages, fanwork-fest, eurovision, nordipalooza

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