Rage: It's what's for breakfast

May 19, 2012 09:39

Gods damn it, I really need to stop reading the local newspaper.

"This is trying to push an agenda to enforce social programs that Canadians might not need or want..."

... In an article about the right to food and making sure that everyone in the country gets enough to eat.

What the ever-loving fuck? It shouldn't even be a question. Common fucking sense - everyone should be able to have something so basic as getting enough to eat, and if they aren't able to do it themselves, then yes, the government needs to step in and put up programs for it if they don't exist already. This is so fucking basic, it's a question that shouldn't even have to be asked. Common sense: The less people have to worry about where their next meal will come from, the more energy they will be able to put into being productive citizens and working (or finding work if they don't have it already). Especially these days, when work is a little shaky and a lot of people are without jobs - it's a big concern. Goddamn.

And it just floors me that they'd publish this tripe at all. But I guess it shouldn't surprise me, considering some of the other crap that gets published in it as well (articles about how "women hate other women and it's just natural" and other such bullshit - yeah, that was in today's paper too). Not to mention, well. The local paper is owned by a tabloid company. And this province is super conservative. I shouldn't be surprised - not at all. But it figures - just when I thought that the bullshit that I come across couldn't get any more stupid, I see that.

It just makes me so fucking angry - I mean, both the idea that the government doesn't need to look after the people of the country (that we don't need to look after each other) and the stuff the paper publishes - and wow, I didn't realize before that this is such a hot-button issue for me, but since I'm so damn mad about it, I guess it is.

Maybe it's because if I weren't fortunate enough to be able to live with my parents, I would be really badly off, and I'd probably need to use government programs myself just to keep myself afloat. And I hate, hate, hate when people aren't able to see beyond their own little bubble, and I'm caught between hoping it's just ignorance - maybe they don't really realize that there are people out there that do need help - and having to admit that part of it might be malice - because a lot of people hate those who aren't as fortunate as themselves, for some reason I absolutely cannot fathom. Jesus fucking christ.

Yeah, so. Not exactly the most pleasant way to start my morning. All through breakfast I was so angry I could've spit nails, but now that I've had a rant about it and donated some money to the local food bank I feel a bit better. A bit. But damn, I'm not going to read that newspaper again. It isn't good for my blood pressure. I tend to look through it every now and then just to see if there's anything going on in the city, but yeah, no. Not any more. Nothing important happens here, anyway - I won't be missing much.

On a lighter note, it's raining. Good. Maybe things'll start to brighten up around here, finally.

thoughts, tl;dr, wtf, rage, fort mcmurray

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