Finally, some good news

May 17, 2012 23:58

Okay, so. First things first. I have a job! I start Tuesday! Pay isn't as great as what I had before, but the hours seem like they'll be less horrific, and - more importantly - I'll be working again. Awesome!

Anyway. Signups for easterneurofunk go live in the morning. I still have a lot of things I need to do - especially now that I'm going to be working, I really need to get prompt lists written up ahead of time - but now that the ball is rolling, I figure it'll be easy enough to get everything done. I wonder how many people will end up joining this one... In the Nordic fest, we had about 40 people. About half of them had to drop, but that still meant we had a ton of submissions, which was nice. Maybe it'll be about the same amount this time around.

Managed to get a little bit more written on that fic. It's coming along nicely - not as quickly as I'd like, but good. Can hardly wait to be done, though. I really want to edit this thing, because I've gotten a lot of really useful advice on characterization from a friend who loves the dude I'm writing about, so I'm absolutely itching to put that into play.

Mind you, now that I'll be working, and what with the fest stuff and all - well, working on that story might need to take a backseat for a while. But, that's all right. I fully intend to finish it eventually. 8)

eastern eurofunk, writing, work, fanwork-fest

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