I don't know when, but I want you around ☆☆☆

May 29, 2011 20:40

☆ I CAN'T SEEM TO GET ANYTHING DONE LATELY. I feel tired all the time. Tired and sulky. But let's not get into that.

☆ The amount of smoke in the air is not helping. How can I go out and take some fresh air when the air isn't... fresh? And the smoke has been stinging my eyes, ahhhh. I keep meaning to get photos in the evenings, when the smoke is heavy and the sun looks all red, but things keep distracting me and making me forget.

☆ I've been listening to language-learning audiofiles while knitting. I doubt I'll actually learn anything much, because languages and myself don't mix; languages are difficult, and I find it hard to learn this sort of thing without tons of study. It's just something to use as background noise, I guess. Easier to concentrate when there's just speaking, rather than music (I can't concentrate while music is on; can't even roleplay while music is playing). Maybe if I'm lucky, I'll learn a few words. But I won't say which language, because for some reason I feel a little self-conscious about it. Kind of silly, I guess, but whatever.

☆ I keep getting ideas for stories at random times and random places. It's very frustrating! Three popped into my head in the past two days, and I want to write all of them. I wish my subconscious would calm down a little bit until I at least finish something. (But that would be a good long while from now, as I never manage to finish anything).

☆ Pretty much the only thing I've "finished" lately wasn't even real writing; just that one Den/Nor roleplay thread I'd been doing. It feels good to have that tied up all nice and clean, and doing that thread made me really happy, but gods, I wish I was able to do some real writing. Hell, having a proper desk to put my notebook on would be a start. Ugh.

☆ Oh, and - the Baltdex and the Nordex have been updated. Well, at least I've been doing something this weekend, even if it consisted of sitting around on my butt while drinking overly sugary coffee and plugging tags into Delicious.

indexing, roleplaying, fml, writing, languages

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