Feels bad, man

May 26, 2011 13:30

So, I don't have a job any more. But at least it isn't my fault.

Manager called me yesterday, on my day off, and said "Whoops, sorry, Head Office dropped us a note and said we need to cut people back, and since you've only been here a few days, you're the one who needs to go". Gods fucking damnit.

On the upside, I can use it as a reference, and the manager said that if any changes are made and they can hire more people again, she'll call me back. Still, looks like we're back to the drawing board with this, so to speak.

I won't lie; I'm pretty frustrated. Ugh. But, I guess there's nothing to be done about it now, 'cept go back to looking.

In other news, we aren't out of the clear for the forest fires yet. Couple days ago, the sky was absolutely grey in the late afternoon; the smoke was so thick, it made the sun look hazy and coral-coloured. Waiting out for the bus in that was... not entirely pleasant, blech. In some ways, it reminded me of the photos Aino put up showing the volcanic ash in the air on that roadtrip she took.

No worries, though. The fires aren't actually that close. It's just that smoke is getting blown toward this direction at times. It's still quite a good distance away. As for today, it's nice and clear, because the smoke isn't blowing here -- and I hope it'll stay that way, so I can get a chance to go out.


On the upside, I received some information in the mail about a driving course I intend to take in June, so at least something is going right lately.

fml, job-searching, work, weather, fail, fort mcmurray

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