
Jun 06, 2011 12:38

I'm feeling pretty down about the fact that getting a job is so difficult right now. So, I'm going to try to talk about some of the things that make me happy. Maybe it'll help me stop being so upset, at least for a little while.

☆ The other day I went into the basement and dug up my volumes of Black Jack comics from storage. Man I love this series so much. *q* I had a few volumes that I hadn't gotten around to reading, and I've been making my way through those... I'm nearly done, though, and now I'm itching to get the rest of the volumes that have been released so far (10-14). My first exposure to Osamu Tezuka's work was actually when I was in university, as I was taking a course on comics as literature... but at that time we read parts of his Buddha series, which was also enjoyable, but I just didn't sink my teeth into it the way that I do with Black Jack. I wish it hadn't taken me so long to get into it. :Va

☆ My attempts at driving are going well. I haven't done anything major yet, just going around the neighbourhood at times when there is not much traffic, but it's better than nothing. On the 11th and 12th I will begin driver's education classes - this will be the 'written' portion of it. Then later on I'll be doing the actual driving lessons. I think with a real teacher guiding me, rather than my mum breathing down my neck, it'll be easier. Plus I'll be driving the little school car rather than my mum's huge new vehicle. Still... I hate driving. :T

☆ Soon the lilacs will be completely in bloom. One of the bushes already had its blossoms; the others are not in flower yet. I love lilacs so much - because they're so fragrant - and I look forward to being able to sit out on the patio in the sun with the scent of blossoms all around me.

☆ I managed to get some writing done the other day. And that's something. I mean, I only did half a page. But it's still something. The fact that I need to physically leave the house in order to write frustrates me, but as long as things get done eventually, I guess it isn't so bad. And I won't lie, mentioning the fic to C_V always gives me motivation to work on that particular story. "Okay, I talked to her about it - so now I need to work on it, otherwise things won't be right!" Still, I wish I had the time and space resources to finish something. Especially since I promised myself that I can't start anything new until I finish something.

writing, reading, driving, life

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