These automatic flowers won't do ✿❀✿

Mar 09, 2011 17:15

✿ I have the most enormous craving for cake lately. It's driving me nuts and if I don't get something sweet at lunch tomorrow I might scream. (Well, perhaps not that bad, but.) Minni linked me this recipe for mint chocolate cupcakes and I want to make them so badly, but I don't have the stuff for it on-hand, argh. Since it googletranslates pretty well I might see about getting everything and then making it sometime next week, or something. Yessss.

✿ Writing is going, uh, slowly. Don't even get me started on how difficult it is to find time, energy, and enough quiet to write. But as soon as it gets warmer, it'll be easier for me to get to places where I can write, so I might be more productive. I've actually been considering working on some old original projects that I had scrapped. One of them, a collection of fantasy stories, had been put aside because -- well, to put a long story short, I'd shown the general summary of the idea and a sample-story to one of my professors, and she'd told me it was badly-written, cliche, and unpublishable. I got kind of butthurt about that, and put the idea aside and decided I wouldn't look at it any more. But now, well... I'm just writing for fun, and I don't want to get published, so it doesn't really matter at all if it's cliche or badly-written or anything. So I might come back to it, if I can remember the gist of the stories I wanted to write.

✿ I'm going with the family to see Vox Lumiere's performance of Phantom of the Opera on Saturday. Mum keeps complaining that it isn't the Andrew Lloyd Webber version of it, sigh. And to be honest I expect she won't like this version, as it's kind of goth-styled (for lack of a better word). But I expect it'll be spectacular -- well, as spectacular as one can see here, anyway.

✿ Our Lady Peace is coming to town next month and I am so excited. They're one of my favourite bands, and their concert was the first "real" concert (read: rock concert as opposed to symphony etc) that I'd ever gone to. They're one of those bands that just sticks with a person, you know? I remember back when I was younger, like, ten years old, my friends and I would sing "Superman's Dead" while swinging on the hanging tire on the playground. Shit, that must have been, what, 14 years ago. Hard to believe -- well, anyway. I really, really hope I'll be able to get tickets. ... I'll probably end up going with my brother, on account of not having any friends here, but that's all right I suppose.

✿ We're creeping into March, but it still doesn't feel like March yet. It's still cold and dark and I'm still sick of it. It's making me stir-crazy. Even Minni commented on how loopy it has been making me. I suppose some people are just more troubled by long winters than others. I never used to have problems with this, not growing up; it was just normal, and I never knew anything else. But then I moved down east where it's warmer and it isn't dark and the snow melts earlier and there are flowers in spring, real ones. So living up north again is a shock, I guess. ... and it doesn't help that it has been colder than usual this year.

✿ Was feeling a bit overwhelmed, so I did some trimming to the friendslist. I was due for a cut, anyway.

frivolities, writing, food, weather, friends, music, family

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