Mar 14, 2011 20:49

Something happened recently that made me just... so happy. But because the person who did it wishes to remain anonymous, I won't talk about it in specifics. I'll only say:
I see what you did there. What you did there; I see it. ≖‿≖
And I thank you so much - I never expected something like that in response to my clumsy gesture.

Anyway. Yesterday was amazing, not only because of Anonymous but also because things are finally starting to warm up. I actually got out of the house! And I expect that tomorrow will be similar - which is excellent, as I have that day off as well. I'm just so happy -- previously I'd been a bit down in the dumps, but these past couple days... yes, it's been good.

And I managed to write today! Just one page on an older story that I'd set aside and only came back to recently, but at least it's something. And the part I was working was just porn but... Far better than nothing, I say! Man, I spend so much time talking about and thinking about writing, it's nice to actually be able to sit down and DO it.

I FEEL GOOD. I hope y'all are doing all right too! (though it seems some of you are kind of stressed out from schoolwork. HANG IN THERE. YOU'LL BE FINE.)

(ノ◉ヮ◉)ノ :。・:*:・゚'✿,。・:*:❀・゚'❁

writing, friends, flailing, yay

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