LJ != Tumblr... right?

Mar 02, 2011 20:12

I decided today that I'd spam my journal with a bunch of things that I like, the way one would on Tumblr or summat. Of course, by "spam" what I really mean is "put everything in one journal entry beneath a cut or three because I am considerate like that".

Oh, but first - yesterday tinediserp wrote me some Swe/Nor fanfic because she is wonderful. It's very cute and romantic and just lovely aaaand it can be read here: Beach Comber.

Anyway, on with the rest. Let's go! Oh, just a warning - this will be pic-heavy and vid-heavy. And with a bit of tl;dr too because I like talking about why I like things, I suppose.

☆ One thing that I love doing is looking at photographs... especially of beautiful places that I want to visit but can't right now.

✿ I kind of have a thing for chilly places with lots of mountains. The area above is in Switzerland.

✿ Alas, I didn't save the source for this one... I know it's in Norway, but I can't remember where. Oi love Norway.

✿ But I don't just like cold places out in the middle of nowhere. I do want to go to Italy, for example. Not necessarily Venice, though - even if it does look really pretty in photographs like the one above.

✿ Though I must say that one place I want to go to most of all (excluding places I want to go to due to friends being there) is Estonia. That country is so close to my heart -- I hope some day I'll be able to go there. I don't even care where. As for the above photo, it's of somewhere on the island of Saaremaa... I can't remember where exactly.

☆ But it isn't just plain landscapes that I like looking at, as far as photography goes. I like stuff that is more artsy-fartsy, too. I just wish I was so skilled and creative with it, ahhhh. (My own photography kind of sucks, pfff. But then again, I don't let myself run wild. And I'm just new at it.)

✿ Holy fucking shit. I just can't stop staring at this.

✿ I wonder how many tries it took to capture this exact moment.

☆ I wanted to post some music, but it's a question of what kind. My tastes vary so much; sometimes I'll go months listening to nothing but power metal, other times I'll stick strictly to folk tunes. I guess nothing can hold my attention very long. But there are a few good standbys.

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✿ Above is the opening song from The Wicker Man (the original, not the horrible Nick Cage remake). I love the entire soundtrack of that film -- well pretty much everything about it, actually; it's become one of my favourites.

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✿ Chris de Burgh is one of those singers who I just keep loving even after years and years, and "Don't Pay the Ferryman" is one of the first songs I'd heard by him (though the absolute first was "Spanish Train", another excellent one). His later albums are kind of unremarkable, but the early stuff, especially story-songs like this one, are just... lovely. Most people know him for the song "Lady in Red", which is a totally unremarkable song and I have no idea how it got so popular, but whatever.

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✿ I fell in love with Rhapsody immediately after hearing this song, "Emerald Sword". I was 15, and it was my first time ever hearing metal music of any kind, and it was like I'd been hit upside the head with something awesome. This was the kind of music I'd been looking for my entire life. Mighty warriors and dragons and epic journeys! Ohhhh yeah, I fell in love and I fell hard. Yes, yes, Rhapsody is kind of ridiculous and their lyrics are very cheesy, but that's the point. And I love it.

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✿ Kamelot is another one of those bands I keep coming back to. If I ever have the chance to see them play live, I will die of happiness, I swear. "Descent of the Archangel" is the song that made me love them, though they do have better songs. ...and I used to think that Roy Khan's voice was really hot. In my defence, I was 15. Now I find him kind of cheesy. But again, much like with Rhapsody, with Kamelot that is the point.

☆ Now... I'm going to post a few APH fanart, just because I can. And because it's one of those things that make me happy. Though, if I were to post every one that I like, I'd be here all day. So I'll just grab a few. ... Unfortunately, for many of these, I either don't have the source on-hand or do have it but it is buried in the depths of my private-set untagged bookmarks, so it'd be impossible to find. :|a

✿ The above is one of my absolute favourites of Nor and Den. It's one of those pairings that I go through phases of liking and being frustrated by, but regardless, I still love this one so much.

✿ But this... this one, I think, is my favourite of these two. It shows them almost exactly as I like to see them. Everything about it is just -- it's so fitting. Coffee and old sweaters and a sense of just... contentment. Coziness. Though not quietness, not with these two. It actually has inspired me more than once - I've written more than one thing involving Norway playing chess after I saw this drawing, haha. (And currently I'm working on something that opens with a chess game between him and Denmark...) ... All that said, I don't even know how to play chess myself, pfft. (I wish I hadn't misplaced the bookmark to this artist's tegaki. They draw such lovely stuff, that one.)

✿ I think what makes me like this one so much is the simplicity of it, and the limited colour palette. Or something. I'm just rather fond of it, really. I think it might have been one of the first fanarts I saved of these two, but it's hard to be sure.

✿ Even though it's kind of a sketchy style, I just love it so much. I wish people would draw these two together more often. They're a visually appealing pair, yes, but there's also a kind of quiet affection between them and I really like that.

✿ An old one, but a good one. To be honest, this is probably one of my favourite Estonia fanarts ever. Then again, I'm a sucker for cityscape backgrounds. And cornflowers. Come to think of it, I wonder where that background is supposed to be -- probably somewhere in Tallinn, but where....

✿ I remember I used to like this trio so much... ahh it's been ages since I've written anything with them. But I keep coming back to them because I have such a fondness for them. And coming across old, cute fanarts that I'd saved helps me remember that. :)a

✿ I couldn't find the other fanarts I was looking for (there was one in particular, argh) so... here's some Estonia/Iceland instead! Cute cute cute ahhhh I need to write something with them properly, instead of just random scribbles. There is that one AU fic I started writing ages ago, but that does not count either.

☆ I'm surprised that writing this post has held my attention for so long. Well, let's call it "done", for now.

frivolities, hetalia, friends, flailing, spam

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