
Jan 05, 2011 22:57

The last few days have been so much suck.

I lost my job, my brother's work vehicle had a collision with a moose, I'm coming down with a cold, etc. Grumble grumble sob.

I'm trying to look at it positively. That job was just supposed to be temporary, anyway. My brother is going to be perfectly okay; he's just very bruised (though the same thing can't be said about the moose - or the vehicle for that matter). And this headcold or whatever it is that's bugging me won't last very long.

But man, do I ever feel shitty. Kind of hard to keep a positive outlook that way.

Team Canada's loss against Russia in the gold medal hockey match this evening was the absolute icing on the cake. Okay, okay, it's just a hockey game, but... man. I'm really bummed out. We were winning 3-0 at first, what the hell happened? (Answer: the Russian team woke up right at the same moment that our goalie decided to go to sleep, or something.) ... Well. Congratulations to Russia, anyway. You kicked our ass, but we'll get you next time.

So... yeah. Not in the best of moods. And that's partly why I haven't been as, uh, social as I normally would be, not this week. I haven't been replying to entries that I normally would reply to, even people that I always always always try to comment to, ugh. Feels bad, man. But I'm just not up to it.

That reminds me of something I was thinking about earlier today - how do y'all feel about receiving comments on entries a little bit late? Two, three, four days late? I know some people find it weird. Me, I don't mind, but eh. Never hurts to know, I guess.

... Anyway. I certainly hope the rest of the week will not be like this. :|

hockey, fml, work, sulking, fail, family, life

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