Mood swings, adventures in pronunciation, and harmonicas

Jan 02, 2011 23:37

✿ I've been having mood swings all day. There's no explanation for it, and the only conclusion I can come to is that two days home away from work is enough to drive me nuts. My family, I tell ya', they're enough to make anybody loony.

✿ I finally managed to settle down for some studying. Mostly working on small vocabulary. Numbers, that kind of thing. And pronunciation. I swear, I'm going to keep banging my head against it until it sticks. I'm finally on my way toward not mixing up the difference between the way a and ä sound (umlauts aren't there for decoration!) but that's actually only because of, er, something I will never forget about Estonian language (the Estonian word for "two", kaks, sounds kind of like the English word cocks... and the sound in Finnish for kaksi isn't much different). Well, whatever helps, I guess. orz

✿ I have now heard (well, read) someone say that giving a blowjob is similar to playing a harmonica. I don't think I will ever look at my harmonica the same way again. (Though I will say that I'm pretty sure the person making that comparison has never played a harmonica, because uh... it's really... it's not much like that and er I'm just going to be quiet now)

✿ Finally, we went out and bought me a replacement hat. It's not much like what I wanted (I wanted something made in Canada, damnit, and coyote or beaver rather than rabbit fur because it holds up better) but, well, it's not a bad hat. At least it's the right style: full-fur and boxy.

So, there we go. That's... that's it for now, I think. Considering this entry has been kind of (well, a lot) ridiculous.

(Man, I feel like an idiot. I will possibly regret this silly entry in the morning.)

wtf, photopost, languages, harmonica

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