
Aug 29, 2010 00:30

For the past week, nothing much has been going on, and so I have had little to write about. When I was living in Saskatoon, one day was pretty much the same as the other, and yet I felt I still had a lot of things to write about. Maybe it's a side-effect of this place. I don't have any time to think or to do the things I care about, so in turn I have -- nothing. Well, nothing much.

Originally we had planned to go down to Stoon earlier, but plans changed. The current plan is that we will be going down to get my stuff next week, over the weekend. So we'll get it, and bring it back here, and then somehow I will have to find a way to fit all of my personal belongings into my room. That'll be, er, challenging.

So many things are frustrating right now, and I'm not sure I want to talk about it. Mostly it's just the whole living with parents thing. Ugh, I want to get out of here. I do love my parents, really, but I've come to realise that my mother is the kind of person that I would not want to associate with if I was not related to her. In many ways, she is not... not a good person. Being around her is almost toxic sometimes.

In other (and far better) news, I made blueberry cinnamon crumble muffins today and they were extremely delicious.

The recipe is here if anyone wants it. I doubled it, and the result was twelve.

I have been trying to keep up with my indexing but I've been slacking a bit. Been trying to keep up with writing fanfiction, too, and though I have been able to get my daily drabbles done, I haven't really had any drive to do anything substantial in a very long time now. But when I am able to sit down and write properly (and gods know when that will be) I will do it. I look forward to it.

writing, food, saskatoon, moving, family, life

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