Driving and French and Writing and Moving, oh my!

Sep 02, 2010 15:47

I WENT DRIVING. ON THE BIG ROAD. Score! I drove all the way to my brother's house and back, through major intersections and everything. I'm very proud of myself, haa. Still a little bit nervous because good gods I hate fast busy streets, but I'm getting better at this whole thing, and I haven't crashed into anything yet! (And hopefully that won't happen at all, but we will see, urgh). If we keep going like this, then I'll probably be driving all the way downtown in no time, and after that -- proper driving lessons! And my license! I want to have this business all over with before the snow falls.

Still trying to push through with French. Argh, I'm so bad at it, and it seems like no matter how much of it I do, I still feel like I'm not learning anything. I'm probably picking up more than I think, but it doesn't feel that way. What it feels like, is like I'm banging my head against a wall and expecting some result other than a headache. I dunno'. But I have to finish making my way through all the material, because I promised myself I would. And after that I can try a different language. (Still can't decide between Swedish, Finnish, and Polish, but we will see how I feel about each of them when I'm done with French). Perhaps when I move on to a language that actually appeals to me, I will do better.

In other (better?) news, I wrote something original for the first time in years yesterday. Something that is not fanfiction and does not have myself or one of my friends as a character, I mean. I haven't done anything with proper original characters in such a long time... to do that now, it feels so good! I realise now that I missed that character so, so much -- though he certainly has undergone many transformations since I first made him back in high school. So now I want to write something with him, but I need to revise his storyline a lot. Need to do more research on modern Estonia too, but any excuse is a good excuse to read more about Estonia. Ahhh I just, I'm so happy that I've finally written something other than fanfiction.

What else was there -- OH YES. AND. A PSA:


My family and I will be going there this weekend to move the stuff from my apartment back to Fort McMurray. Actually, we'll be leaving a few hours from now. It takes over 12 hours to get there, so we will drive halfway there tonight, the rest of the way early Friday morning, and thennn begin the nightmare that is packing things up. Sigh. Hopefully we will start driving back on Sunday, but we might have to stay there until Monday... it depends on how everything goes.

I am not looking forward to all that, certainly. AND they said that they want me to drive part of the way. I think, what the hell are they thinking, I'm not even comfortable in residential streets, and they want me to drive my dad's big truck on the highway at 100 km/h? ... Then again, on the prairies there tend to be these big stretches of road where nothing happens for hours and hours, so maybe I could do that without getting too nervous.

Anyway, I will not be here this weekend. But I won't be gone long, so don't worry! o3o <3

Oh, er, one more thing - None of that "reposting comments" stuff here, okay? I mean I doubt anyone would, 'cause y'all are cool, but er just felt I should... say it.

*psa, driving, flailing, moving, yay, writing, travel, languages

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