I need some coffee.

Aug 19, 2010 18:13

When I woke up this morning the sky was an ashy greyish-yellow-green. We were somewhat troubled about this, as it looked a bit like storm clouds, but not like the usual storm clouds. It looked like smoke, I said. Later we found out that it is smoke. There are forest fires in British Columbia, and it is been blown over toward us.

I guess this is another thing that I'll have to get used to again. I forgot all about the yearly fires and smoke. Blech. Oh, well -- I can live with it. Still, it's unnerving to know that there are fires burning so close -- but at least it isn't as bad as it was several years back, when the fires were quite close. There is only one road leading out of town, and it was burning to the south - where the roadway goes. I remember at the time I was terrified that the road would be cut off due to the fire -- if that happened, and it got even closer, where could we go? Then again, the situation probably wasn't as dire as my younger self feared.

Lately things have been far too frustrating. I feel absolutely brain-dead. I think it might be due to a lack of intellectual stimulation. But I can't do anything here - I always feel as if someone is looking over my shoulder. It's frustrating. Hopefully when I get my driver's license this will be partially reduced. I'll be able to, at the very least, go down to the library or the coffee shop whenever I have the time and the inclination. Though the town library isn't very good as far as content goes, the building is very nice and new and has plenty of comfy chairs and sunny windows.

I am currently learning to drive - slowly. When I first started trying to do it about five years ago, it went very badly, but now it's going fine. Still, mum says I seem very nervous when I'm driving. Of course I'm nervous - I'm at the wheel of a huge-ass death machine that I don't know how to control properly. If I wasn't nervous about that, I'd be crazy. Not to mention that I can't trust other drivers not to hit me (Fort McMurray drivers are... bad). Though I guess I agree with her that I should try to ease up as far as a death-grip on the wheel goes.

I will have some time to myself tomorrow, so hopefully I will be able to get some letter-writing done. Ffff I am so sucky at getting this done, sorry y'all.

weather, driving, fort mcmurray, family

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