Kaibutsu-kun Staff Blog: 3/29 - 4/2/2010

Apr 01, 2010 23:36

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Starting This Weekend!!!

Good morning!!

It's staff member "S".

A promotional video/spot made up of clips from our story
will be aired nationwide starting this weekend.

One of them is about 30 seconds long,
Please look forward to it!!

April 2, 2010

Kaibutsu-kun Goods!

Hello. It's staff member "K".

Starting today, on the NTV shop website,

we've started accepting advance orders for

"Kaibutsu-kun" goods~

You'll find a variety of really cute items there

So please go and take a peek.

April 1, 2010

Poster Completed!!

Good morning!!

It's staff member "S".

The Kaibutsu-kun poster has been completed!!

We'll start displaying the posters any day now,
so if you happen to come across one, please take a close look
at the cast members in their special effects makeup ☆

Today's photo is of the "Kaibutsu-kun" amulet*.
The Chief Producer purchased one
for the sake of everyone's safety.

[t/n: Good luck amulets can be bought at Shinto shrines for various purposes,
some examples being: "safety in driving", "luck during entrance
exams", "having a safe pregnancy", etc.)

Thank you very much!
We put it up in the Staff Room.

April 1, 2010

Weather Report

Hello, It's Staff Member "A".

Since we've started filming,

we've kept a close eye on the weather,

praying (for), "Clear skies, clear skies!" every day.

On this day,

it was as if God had heard our prayers.

The weather was beautiful!

This was the scene for Hiroshi and his puppy in Episode 1.

Lately, the weather has been unpredictable,

leaving I-san, the person in charge of scheduling,

peering vacantly up into the sky. . .

Oh "Weather God"!

Please let us continue to have "clear skies"!!!

March 31, 2010

The Editing Room

Good morning!

It's staff member "S".

Today, I'm going to give you a rare behind the scenes look. . .

The picture is of the interior of the Editing Room/Booth at the Ikuta Studio.

↑ We use this computer to edit "Kaibutsu-kun".

The Kaibutsu-kun tape locker.

↑ This is where we store all the tapes after we're done filming.

↑ The one's with the yellow labels are for on location tapes.

[t/n: on location = outside the studio setting]
 The in-studio one's are white

We use different tapes for on location an in-studio (filming).

Once we finish an entire series,
the tape locker gets really packed.

The editing room is where all that is filmed is complied!!

Only a little while longer until the first episode ☆

It's getting to the point where we receive something to edit on a daily basis now.

We're working hard on creating
a show that all of you can enjoy,
so please wait just a little while longer until the first episode!!

March 30, 2010

We're holding a private screening for families!

Hi. It's staff member "K".

Has everyone taken a look at our homepage?

That's right

We're holding a private screening for families, along with an announcement
about the film!

It's a tough world out there, so
We'd like to have as many people as possible watch our drama!
We'd like to have as many adults and children find out
about "Kaibutsu-kun", a drama they can enjoy from the bottom of their hearts.
We want them to feel it!

That feeling led to the decision.
Let's hold a family private screening!

The number that will be able to attend is limited, but
But we await your attendance with all our hearts.

March 29, 2010

Today at 12 noon, keep an eye on our homepage!

Good morning. It's staff member "K".

Today at 12 noon,
There'll be a big announcement (?) on our homepage!

Everyone, please watch for it!

March 29, 2010


Good morning!!

It's staff member "S".

The other day, we worked mostly on filming episode 2!

Dried cuttlefish was used in part of the drama
and Hong Man-san begged to eat some ☆

So the props person toasted both sides of it for him over a charcoal fire,
and between filming scenes,
Ohno-kun, Yashima-san, Ueshima-san, and Hong Man-san
ate it all!!

It seems dried cuttlefish is a huge favorite of Hong Man-san.

On today's night shoot,
we filmed the climactic scene for the second episode.
It was very cold, and warm tonjiru* was served with our bentou*.
[t/n: "tonjiru" = a miso based, pork soup with daikon and burdock root;
"bentou" = boxed lunch set, usually served room temperature]

You feel love when you're served warm food on a cold day of filming.
Dear catering services*, thank you for always being so considerate ☆

[t/n: the literal translation here is "organization division", but I'm assuming
they mean "craft services" or "catering" here.]Once the cast and staff had our bodies warmed up,
we were able to film the scene well!!

Episode 2, and of course Episode 1 as well, both have good storylines.
I can't wait for people to see them.

March 29, 2010

kaibutsu-kun staff blog

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