Happy All Fools' Day...

Apr 01, 2008 06:58

So:  To get the ball rolling... anybody know any good limericks?  Yes, limericks.  It's the First Of April, y'all, and I for one could do with a joke or two!  So dig 'em out, the ruder the better, or clean if you don't know any rude ones; I'll start with a clean one for public consumption and then add a rude one for seasoning; from that point, the ball is all yours (so to speak.)  Happy All Fools' Day, and may you take your Pie Inna Face with grace and dignity.

Ahem.  The Clean One:

A diner, while dining at Crew
Found quite a large mouse in his stew;
Said the waiter, "Don't shout
And wave it about,
Or the rest will be wanting one too!"

There once was a man from Nanking
Who invented a Fucking Machine;
Concave and convex,
It worked for each sex,
But oh, what a bastard to clean...

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