early birds and squeaky worms

Mar 31, 2008 06:26

G'morning... **yawn** Here I sit at 6:somethingorother a.m., crosslegged on my bed in my ratty nightclothes and doing my peronal version of reading the newspaper, i.e., surfing the net while my cat Bob whines at the birdies through the window beside me.  I live in an apartment complex; the sounds that filter in are the usual ones I hear when I wake up at 6 weekdays, water running, a microwave that goes BWEEEEEP!, distant traffic, cactus-wrens cussing each other out, the occasional toilet, hummingbirds, dogs demanding attention, a radio in the apartment across and to my left, meowing cats, a really loud toaster somewhere down and to the right... I have particularly good hearing (though I'm very bad at differentiating where sounds come from; I hear too much) and there's a routine to all this. I can hear the intercom from the fire-station a couple blocks away, though I can't make out what they're saying; and I can hear the early city buses going past.

So when I heard the characteristic little tune that a computer makes when it's booting Windows up, all I thought was 'Mm, somebody else getting online.'  Didn't strike me for a few minutes how amusing it is that that's now a Morning Sound.  But it is; I keep mine muted, but I usually hear it three or four times from where I sit-- not at all sure where from, just that it's from outside somewhere.

My apartments are single-story old buildings in long, single-apartment rows with common roofs, a bit like beads on a string; we're lined up in staggered rows with backyards behind each unit, and the rows are flipped so you have fronts facing fronts and yards facing yards with good-sized stretches of space inbetween.  Lots of dogs here; much of the stuff I hear in the morning comes from animals who are already awake trying to get their people to keep up. And birdsong-- grackles sort of chatter, mockingbirds put on the bird-version of Broadway plays, hummingbirds sound like techno-music, cactus-wrens swear horribly at everything, and there's the constant 'ooooOOOO-OOOOOHHHH'-ing of doves.

What do y'all hear early in the morning?  Just curious.

**yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwnnnnnn**  Don't wanna go to work today; would much rather go back to sleep, 'cause I was dreaming about beaches.  Had a *really* odd dream the night before last, though-- can't remember much, but what I DO recall is that somebody was just standing there, smiling at me.  That's it, just smiling.  No snarkiness, no scary evil grimaces, just... smiling.  No clue who or what or where, just a sort of WTF?-somebody-smiling-at-me thing.  Um, think they had their arms crossed.  That's all.  **sweatdrops slightly**  Could be worse, I guess.

dreams, life as i know it

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