I can has laptop?

Mar 27, 2008 06:37

**wild cheers** Got my baby laptop back!  Rather expensive, but it's working beautifully and there's room on it! More than 40 gigs of room!  YES!  And the old drive came in a very nice black jacket and carrying-case; definitely happy with Advantage Computer's work here, they treated me right.

Strained some muscles yesterday in my back shifting some damn fileboxes (idiot, should've asked for help) but otherwise it wasn't a bad Tuesday; got lots done.  I'm finding it horribly amusing that the coworker who I don't care for, i.e., the Hemorrhoid Who Walks Like A Woman, is sulking like a 5-year-old over a) not getting the supervisory position she wanted, and b) not being fast enough on the draw to take one of the open back-area cubicles when they came available. Instead, two others in my area snatched 'em up and got moved a few days back; so the Hemorrhoid keeps making comments about 'Oh well, since I wasn't informed I didn't get to choose and blahblahblah...'  Hell, *I* didn't know until they were already moving.  Tsk.  ^__^  Sounds a bit snarky of me, I know, but dear gods she's acting childish.

Got a new DE posting done last night, me and Leah:  City Mice, the bit where Duke goes to visit Red last August.  That was a BLAST to write, it really was; we had to post it in three parts, it had gotten so humongous... and now I'm dying to get the whole Moving-Outta-CT set of logs done, done, done.  Aaaargh!  **pokes at 2nd 'Driving Songs' log.  Ummm, Scylla?  Whenever you want to work on the phone call thing, I'm ready.  Sorry; impatient, I know-- patience has never been a virtue of mine.

I'm looking out my bedroom window right now; it's really beautiful today, blue sky with a waning moon still visible in it.  You know, there's a female Japanese name for that-- 'Ariake', pronounced 'Ah-ree-ah-kay'.  Means 'moon seen in the daylight', or so I read; I've always liked it.  Today it's supposed to get up into the 80's, and MAN I do not want to work!  Want to go out to Agua Caliente Park instead, but... oh well.  Maybe this weekend.  Icka, Linda, Megs, everybody, interested in doing a picnic out there next Sunday?

Meh.  Springtime stir-craziness, that's what I have.  I should've recognized the symptoms earlier, it happens every year.  Need to get OUT.
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