[Masterpost] Passenger Seat

Oct 12, 2015 17:50

Fic title: Passenger Seat
Author name: youaregonecas
Artist name: chemart
Genre: angst, hurt/comfort, romance
Pairing: buildup to Dean/Castiel, Castiel/Original Character, Sam/Jessica, Anna/Ruby
Rating: Explicit
Word count: 25.185 words
Warnings: D/S dynamics, relationship of purely sexual intent, hospital, coma, minor character death, hurt/comfort, injuries, car accident, trauma, self doubt, self inflicted injury (punching a wall, being reckless and getting hurt due to it), sex as a means of comfort, smoking, mentions of alcohol abuse (referenced - not in the actual fic), mentions of pills (pain relief medicine), mentions of self harm in the past, mentions of scars, Nightmares, praying and christianity, Dark fic
Acknowledgements: ... And we're here, finally. This has been such a long time coming, but I'm glad it's here. I most sincerely hope that you enjoyed reading this fic. Thank you for making it to the end. <3
I owe major thanks to chemart over at Livejournal for creating the wonderful art that she created. Please if you can check it out over at Deviant art if you can and leave her a kind comment. The links are as followed; the swing scene and the bar scene. Both of these will be added to the scenes where they belong soon.
If you want to know what inspired this fic, you can find my inspiration over at my inspiration Tumblr. (Content warning for blood & gore/suicidal thoughts/depression).
If you did enjoy it, have a comment or spotted a mistake, I would love to hear from you. Be it in a comment/ask/anything I don't really care.
Summary: Hunters don’t always stay safe. Especially not when they’re living together and turned their back on hunting. Dean and Castiel knew that when they moved in together, but Castiel never expected that a car accident could be the demon to almost take Dean away from him.
Life, both past as present flashes by him as he sees Dean on that hospital bed, barely present. After six years, he realizes just how much he maybe does actually love him.
Archive of our own
Whole fic // prologue // chapter one // chapter two // chapter three // chapter four // epilogue
prologue // chapter one // chapter two // chapter three // chapter four // epilogue
Art post // pdf // soundtrack (​coming soon) // inspiration tag

spn: passenger seat, masterpost, challenge: deancasbigbang

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