Title: When I'm away from you... Title: when I’m away from you Pairing: Yoochun's POV, Jaechun Genre: angst (with a happy ending) Length: Drabble Rating: pg Summary: No more sneaking around, behind backs, no more guilt from the secrets.
Title: Eclipse 1/? Author: blocassimere & lemonademelon Rating: R Genre: AU, Romance Pairing/s: Jaejoong/Yoochun Length: Chaptered Disclaimer: Not ours, never were. So sad T_T Summary: There were voices in Jaejoong's head, and he knew the voice will help him find his happiness. Warning: Older!Uke xDD
Title: Am I wrong? Pairing: JaeChun Genre: Angst Summary: Jaejoong is leaving Yoochun Rating: PG13 Warning: mentions incest… nothing explicit AN: idea came from DBSK pairing/prompt generator “Jaejoong x Yoochun / Am I wrong?” AN2: this was supposed to be a god damn drabble *grumbles* AN3: may contain grammar/spelling errors...i'm lazy like that (^
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I'm tired of bottoming! Pairing: Yoochun/ everyone, This chapter: JaeChun Rating: NC-17 Summary: Yoochun's tired of bottoming to everyone (except Changmin xD) and he's going to do something about it. A/N: Not Changmin focused! *gasps mockingly* I am surprised. xD
Forgiveness Pairing: XiMin, YunJaeChun. Rating: PG-13 Length: Two-shot Summary: In which MinChun cross dresses and have a whole new identity, and YunJaeSu are plotting and jealous bastards ~!~!~! Sequel to Crush ( MinChun as girls )
Hi Guys. I just found this lovely comm and I wanted to share some uke!chun fics that I've written!
Title: Dirty Colors Pairing: Jaejoong/Yoochun Rating: NC-17 Summary: Jaejoong and Yoochun are alone in Japan and Yoochun has a lot more than filming on his mind
Title: ‘Dong Bangin’ Author: i_habu_no_raifu Pairing(s): OT5 (Yoochun centric in Pt.1) ^_~ Genre: General…crackish. Rating: Will Vary Throughout the Series; This Part: Pg-13 Summary: A Gift Box Arrives for DBSK from America…hilarity & sexiness ensues. A/N: This was the second Dong Bang Shin Ki fanfic I ever started and the first I ever finished. It's
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Title: Agreement Pairing: Implied-Minchun, Jaeminchun, pre-jaesu Rating: Nc-17 Summary: They had an agreement, Jaejoong just didn't understand. neither does the author.