Title: When I'm away from you... Title: when I’m away from you Pairing: Yoochun's POV, Jaechun Genre: angst (with a happy ending) Length: Drabble Rating: pg Summary: No more sneaking around, behind backs, no more guilt from the secrets.
Bowties minchun, possible jaechun, r, There’s a rumor during gym that he gives an upperclassmen a blowjob, but no one is sure where the rumor surfaced from and it quickly dies down. WARNING: INCEST and SEX WITH A MINOR; requested and beta's by abcdefghiluvyou
White shirts for breakfast minchun, nc-17, 483 Yoochun yawns again, hopping on the counter. The counter is cold against his bare ass and he rubs at the goosebumps on his arms.
Bars and Cab rides yunchun, mentions of Shichun, nc-17, 571 Yoochun looks at him with a grin. “I like those words.” requested by only4dbsk. Even thought i enjoy yunchun... this was the fucking hardest fucking request i ever got in my life.... and i've had fucking yoosu requests... =.= i hate yoosu
Title: Cold - A Word Count: 130 Pairing: Minchun, Genre: Romance, um... that's it? Rating: NC-17 i guess..... Disclaimer: If I owned DBSK, I'd probably try to get them to get me Key ^^ Summary: The water was going to get cold.
( mynameisMinho ) Title: Cold Word Count: 165 Pairing: Minchun, Genre: Romance, angst Rating: NC-17 Disclaimer: If I owned DBSK, I'd
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