Title: Our Lifestyle - My Slave (part two)
mocharemel Genre: Smut. BDSM. WARNING!
Ratings: NC17
Length: Short chaptered fic (2/5)
Pairing: Jaejoong/Yoochun
Warning: Kiiiiink. Alot of it. Not comfortable, dont read. :D
A/N: Um, so this is the second part to the short chaptered fic I'm writing for
jaeroticgasm ! :D This part's uke!Chun, but the first part's seme!Chun, so I'll only be crossposting the parts which are uke!Chun here. :DD Other than that, if you want to read the rest of the fic, it's at mochadored. :D Though the chapters arent really chronologically linked. :D Comments please? :DD
"You want this so much, don't you?"